20 Commentaires

  1. They want the tiger to be moved elsewhere? Where? Every day thousands of m2 is cut down in Sumatra for palm oil. We should preserve those animals and find a solution for the humans that live in the tigers habitat.

  2. Many Europeans think that human life is very worthless. And they feel they are the most righteous in this world, even though they have never felt like they are poor people.And also Europeans feel so concerned about nature that they forget that on their continent there are very few forests and they tell Asians to fix what they have done.

  3. get those people mules or donkeys a group of like 4 is load AF and they're surprisingly effective in America against coyotes, wolves, etc. like 1v1 no chance tiger wins but a grp that'd be rough even for a tiger

  4. Don't make it seem like the tiger is encroaching on you and your livestock. You're encroaching on the tiger's habitat and you should be prepared and understanding of the consequences. If you don't wish to be susceptible to those consequences, then leave.

  5. Before commenting that you're on the tiger's side, and how they're simply surviving (which is what we all think, I hope…) remember that also these local communities are trying to survive. Half of these families have to adapt in concentrated and remote areas for the simple fact that coastal lines and seashore parts of the country are slowly, yet surely getting occupied by establishments exclusive to us folks sitting here on our laptops during the day, while Sri Utari wakes up at 11 at night to make an extra hustle to feed her kids and nephews.

    It's not the tiger's fault, it's not the villager's fault, it's us that keep on whining.

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