40 Commentaires

  1. its like, I AM ALONE ON THE INTERWEBS HOW MUCH MORE REAL CAN IT GET? IF YOU WANNA GET TO KNOW THA ME ME IN REAL LIFE THEN WELL, THAT IS A START, becuz, relly relly, i dunno wtf is going on. and if you prefer to just manipulate me in the interwebs, well, then i guess you arent a real one

  2. Clap clap for the 20 and a golf clap as well 👏. I remember when I was younger and used to do a 1gram bong load without a torch lighter regular Bic and bong rip. Got asked a few years ago if I still could do it and had to say nah I've gotten older and still smoke but God damn can't do the shit I used but props brotha

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