The Ellington Kid: VICE Shorts juillet 1, 2022 admin CBD News 40 In a typical South London kebab shop Nathan tells Beefy a story. It’s a story he’s heard about the Ellington kid, who got stabbed … Check on YouTube vice
CBD News Andy Roy: Skating on The Wild Side | Epicly Later'd octobre 2, 2022 admin CBD News 24 Andy Roy journeyed from pro skater to prison inmate, and back again. In this episode we dive into Andy’s checkered past and … Check on YouTube
CBD News The Violent World of Sumo Wrestling septembre 15, 2022 admin CBD News 49 As Japan’s centuries-old national sport, Sumo has long been a part of the national identity. Yet over the years, the sport has been … Check on YouTube
CBD News Yes, MAGA Rap Is Real And Trump Supporters Love It | Fringes avril 24, 2023 admin CBD News 50 In this episode of Fringes, VICE journalist Erica Matson enters the wild world of MAGA Rap, an underground hip-hop scene that … Check on YouTube
FINALLY FOUND IT. I wonder what my food tech class thought when I showed them this on the last day of school. Répondre
Don't rob Chinese takeouts. We use meat cleavers only. None of that rinky dinky chefs knives. Répondre
"Based on"Here's also a story "based on"There was once a human that lived….Now that I've said that I can tell the story how I want Répondre
Through four years I am still wondering what the song before the end song was. And no one has been able to tell me what it is and link it. Répondre
When is the Vice episode going to be aired concerning the 12 oregon national guard members exposed to chemicals in Karamat Ali Répondre
Vice, if you stop making videos dont delete them
hate this you should be ashamed of making this
A level film studies gang rise up
“Now yous can’t leave”
FINALLY FOUND IT. I wonder what my food tech class thought when I showed them this on the last day of school.
Now yous can´t leave…
Always remember this short.
Who else misses the old Vice?
are there any vice shorts to buy?
That was good.
Don't rob Chinese takeouts. We use meat cleavers only. None of that rinky dinky chefs knives.
I've seen Guy Richie films too
"Based on"
Here's also a story "based on"
There was once a human that lived….
Now that I've said that I can tell the story how I want
I remembered it after 7 years that how you know it’s good !!!
end song?
Such a copy of the move A Bronx Tale but still good
If you carry a knife your a fucking pussy
Where is this
Luv the faces
"That's some Crocodile Dundy shitt… "…lmao best part…👍👍
DIP STICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Screw me man remind me when I go to the UK not to piss of kabob makers 😂😂
Through four years I am still wondering what the song before the end song was. And no one has been able to tell me what it is and link it.
It’s Darren from EastEnders
This was fuckin fantastic
Reminds me of that scene from brotherhood hahahaha
his ashy lips are annoying as shit
That mans lips are thirsty asf
Wait so who's the Ellington kid
When is the Vice episode going to be aired concerning the 12 oregon national guard members exposed to chemicals in Karamat Ali
Wow this was really good.
the real horror here are the white lips…..chap stick is right down the corner
I miss the old Vice..
Looks about right.
Lacked synthwave music, otherwise, great shortfilm!
That burger Beefy was eating looked good af.even though you can only see the bread