42 Commentaires

  1. ALICIA NAVARRO!!! Thats crazy I work in Glendale within Phx Az and her mother came in selling GSC to help reach more people about her missing daughter!! I got abunch of cookies. Super sad I've been following the case ever since it happened!!! I hope her mother gets resolution soon <3 <3 <3

  2. This woman is a living Angel and a blessing to the families and loved ones of these missing persons. 💛💫✨ I pray that all of these missing persons are found asap. 🙏🏾

  3. Im from arizona, and the mom has posted on every local facebook page for the past two years almost EVERY DAY. Its heartbreaking. I remember the first 6 months of her disapearrance everyone was looking for her like crazy. Unfortunately as time has passed the search has weakened as its been such a long time 😔

  4. Im from Phoenix Arizona and i remember when this went viral when she went missing and it's crazy to think they don't have not one clue to where she can be at or who she's with hopefully she returns safely

  5. 2:56 so thankful that Holly was found but honestly she doesn’t look very close to her age progression and based off the photo of her as a baby it looks like the artist just made her look more like her mother in face shape/features even though to me it looks like her face shape/features are more like her fathers face shape/features.

  6. how often does it work? from my understanding skull reconstruction is the most accurate because things can only go certain ways. age progression i kind of see as hit or miss tho

  7. $JerryBaker92188 is where you can donate a dollar to my new teeth if anyone wants to. Dental loan payments suck compared to loans for other stuff please help anyone please 🙏

  8. Random observation but why does paloma have an American accent except for when she says "Paaahlomah" she has (I think) a Spanish accent 🤔

    Nb: if it's not Spanish I'm sorry if I have offended anyone this is not my intention

  9. At a buffet, I personally sneak corn into the buffet so others can enjoy them. I hide 6 boiled corn ears in my jacket pockets. It is a joy for me to see other patrons of the establishment eat my corn thinking they were part of the buffet.

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