44 Commentaires

  1. Assalamulaikum: Humdulila have enjoyed many delicious, beneficial meals here. In the event it’s gone unnoticed, I was surprised to have your video interrupted by two commercials promoting alcohol. So far the commercials have had no impact on my choice of drink.

  2. While I understand where the hate comes from towards other cultures, I will never understand the idiotic approach to the dead. I myself, being a foreigner in USA I learned that I must gain respect from the locals which is completely normal. You must work on your reputation, you can't just come to someone's house and expect to be loved and treated the same as their relatives. I hate to see other cultures (even my own) coming to America and doing some bullshit protests that attracts even more hate towards that specific race/culture. It's idiotic to think that you will ever win with that. Learn the real meaning of Respect and you will be respected once you know how to gain it. This world has became way too sensitive and expect things that will never happen to them (for free). These guys are true example of just maintaining their position and keep working on their respect from locals, they ended up being LOVED from hated. Learn something from this video

  3. I LOVE videos just like this. Showcasing so many cultures, the richness, the souls, the passions. Thank you so much for getting these beautiful videos out into the world. Simply fascinated.

  4. Wish to find myself near the area of this restaurant…
    looks incredible delicious and wealthy food
    and being a Christian i can say i like a lot the sufi way of Islam,
    in particulr the Naqshabandiyah and Chistiya tariqa

  5. Moved to Oneonta a couple of months ago. I've been to the restaurant and food is a amazing. As a SoCal native, it has been so nice to have world food in an area that lacks the diversity in used to. I'm glad they've survived the pandemic and I've had the opportunity to experience this place

  6. this really shows how much fear there actually is for muslims and things that are different than the rest. its ridiculous that they were raided. on what grounds? it probably was something like they look like taliban or they might be hiding bombs and weapns in that shed. guess what? the neighbours probably have more weapons.

  7. how do i submit a restaurant for you guys to check out? bento ya masko of corning ny, its hidden in a walk-in closet sized space above a pizzeria. its run by one single elderly japanese grandma and its the only truly authentic japanese place around everything is so home cooked

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