33 Commentaires

  1. “Everything is related to food.” Holy shite is that fucking true. Our society, civilization and ways of life’s are completely and utterly surrounded by the cultivation of food and commodities and their own economies

  2. People thinking this is a female is quite funny. He is a monk, friends and was always referred to as such. Of course, the deeper you go into the Dharma the kess important gender, race, etc. becomes.

  3. Munchies please work on your subtitles. "Buddhism" should be capitalized, and the monastic here is a Buddhist "Nun", not a "Monk". Monks are male monastics, Nuns are female monastics.

  4. Eating that Food is like taking an auto detailing buffer to your pineal gland and buffing it to a High Mirror Shine. One meal there and you can fire your shrink.

  5. As a monk she didn’t go out to the community to beg for food. From my understanding a Buddhist monk must accept any food offered from the community to the monk and be thankful. That includes meat if it is offered.

  6. Buddhism is so interesting to me; out of all the religions it seems to have the most well rounded approach, emphasizing not just matters of moral values, beliefs, and law, but also how you treat your body and mind and the overall connectedness of everything. I would love to learn more about it!

  7. A very accomplished, world renowned chef in her own right who makes delicious food, and long health and all power to her, but her list of five "forbidden" vegetables;
    garlic, wild chives, chives, green onions, and onions sounds like nonsense.
    I'd respect her more if she just said she was allergic or simply didn't like the taste.

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