I get asked all the time about the viability of mixing strains… is mixing strains worth it? Today I wanted to give my opinion on mixing … Check on YouTube
K lasts one hour and bombing it is very weak , so u guys gotta take notes and snort it ( boofing wastes less but if ur like me and don’t wanna have it up ur ass then snort it or u can inject it which has 100% bioavailability
I had my first and last k hole in a pub while there were 50 people around me, while I was walking the floor felt like marshmallows and the people around me were really small and short, I was laughing the whole time. Then my vision turned into a black tunnel which I was walking through and at the end of that tunnel there was a chair with a bright light pointing at it. I sat down and that’s when the k hole started. I don’t remember much, I remember not knowing who I was but I didn’t even think about that. I just was. And I remember floating above all experiences and universes and realities.. it was crazy, nothing mattered and all mattered at the same time. It felt like I was just seeing what everything is. Then I got back to the black tunnel and this time there were sort of compartments (??) in which you could go to and see all the past memories and experiences I ever had. I realized something during this, like an important secret of the universe and life, but once I woke up everything faded away.
I took ketamine for my first time the other night because my friends said it was good for anxiety and depression.. long story short I took a shower right after they gave me a line and I started thinking everyone was plotting against me and that they gave me something to fuck me up instead of ketamine.. I thought they were gonna tie me up and chop my head off with machetes for a black web video.. I don’t know where it came from.
Bruv kinda off topic but just wanted to say you are a hella cool dude. Hope the best for you and I really enjoy your content. So glad I found your vids one day just bored looking for something cool to watch lol 😀
Should do a video on drone if you ever done it. So many nuts stories of people I know just going into college or work on drone like it was nothing back in 2013
See when I used k it was just weird
K lasts one hour and bombing it is very weak , so u guys gotta take notes and snort it ( boofing wastes less but if ur like me and don’t wanna have it up ur ass then snort it or u can inject it which has 100% bioavailability
How is this not age restricted lol
Uau daora 😳
Are u a spastic never take ket by swallowing it till fuck your bladder up trust its calm if u swallow small amounts of drip but still bad
Ket is 3x less bioavailable if you swallow it bombing it is a massive waste of ket
Jus done a line I got ket legs 🤣fucking love it 🤣
Ketamine is Fucking scary trip
Who’s watching this on ket 😂
Dickhead with no useful information
I'm watching this on ket
When u say ket can give u stomach ulcers is it very likely for first time I really don’t like snorting anything
my experience was like when Brian from family guy did shrooms
Just curious Drew , where are you based ?
Lad near me bombed a point four and died, but pretty sure he was on something else as we’ll
I'm on ket watching this
I love you
What is bombing ket
Video starts at 4:13
I had my first and last k hole in a pub while there were 50 people around me, while I was walking the floor felt like marshmallows and the people around me were really small and short, I was laughing the whole time. Then my vision turned into a black tunnel which I was walking through and at the end of that tunnel there was a chair with a bright light pointing at it. I sat down and that’s when the k hole started. I don’t remember much, I remember not knowing who I was but I didn’t even think about that. I just was. And I remember floating above all experiences and universes and realities.. it was crazy, nothing mattered and all mattered at the same time. It felt like I was just seeing what everything is. Then I got back to the black tunnel and this time there were sort of compartments (??) in which you could go to and see all the past memories and experiences I ever had. I realized something during this, like an important secret of the universe and life, but once I woke up everything faded away.
Learn how to take a dab. And give away something that's not total shit,
About to dive into some ket today for first time today, nervous and excited.
I took ketamine for my first time the other night because my friends said it was good for anxiety and depression.. long story short I took a shower right after they gave me a line and I started thinking everyone was plotting against me and that they gave me something to fuck me up instead of ketamine.. I thought they were gonna tie me up and chop my head off with machetes for a black web video.. I don’t know where it came from.
Bruv kinda off topic but just wanted to say you are a hella cool dude. Hope the best for you and I really enjoy your content. So glad I found your vids one day just bored looking for something cool to watch lol 😀
watched this video fucked on k love the vids mab
"A point 4 fucking bong"
All these man in the comment section moving like nittys smh
Don't do ket man it's a dirty drug. Stick to green maybe some mdma if it's clean as it could be.
lol ket heads get smacked up round ere
0:37 Fuking hell mate! How old are you?
Your a crackhead
This is exactly what happened to me aha
SeV3eeeeeN….. Around 5 YeARs aGo
Tbh I kinda pity this guy it’s a very sad life and topic to base a channel on
Should do a video on drone if you ever done it. So many nuts stories of people I know just going into college or work on drone like it was nothing back in 2013
Stroke the furry wall