The MUNCHIES Guide to Washington: Island Gourmet août 8, 2023 admin CBD Recipes 46 Tarik heads north to the Salish Sea near the Canadian border to experience two interpretations of farm-to-table cuisine on the … Check on YouTube Munchies
CBD Recipes The Pizza Show: Extra Slice – Dueling Pizzas août 3, 2022 admin CBD Recipes 0 Frank Pinello brings his pizza to Danny Meyer’s Roman-style pizzeria Marta for a night of pizza dueling. Frank makes some of his … Check on YouTube
CBD Recipes Munchies Guide To Vegas: Locals Only novembre 26, 2023 admin CBD Recipes 33 In the first episode of our MUNCHIES Guide to Las Vegas, host Braydon Szafranski—a pro skateboarder and Vegas native—kicks … Check on YouTube
CBD Recipes Chicky Chicky Parm Parm | The Cooking Show juillet 21, 2022 admin CBD Recipes 25 Farideh’s take on chicken parmesan uses chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts for juicier pieces of meat. The thighs are … Check on YouTube
I looked online, and it’s closed! I’m so sad to see that this amazing kitchen had to close. Such a shame. Répondre
Old Blaine Wetzel… what did he get himself into. Dude was my best friend growing up. Once I mentioned the recent events to my mother… her response: “sounds like him”. Indeed. Pretentious fuck!!! Répondre
Lol this video didn't age well. The willows chef kinda looks snakey, not surprised about that bullshit. Répondre
Tarik need his own show. He's too good at this. From his calm nature to his kind and considerate approach, he creates a memorable experience. Répondre
This i why i love youtube.. we would never get to see such on national tv. Pure organic everyday visions Répondre
Thank you for showing the San Juan Islands! My bestie lives on San Juan Island and it’s probably the most magical place I’ve ever been. Répondre
When he was the guest at the party with Gail, it reminded me of the movie "Get out". Holy shit lol Répondre
Who knew Angela’s sis from the office lived in Washington What a documentary, did not know Washington had such amazing culture Répondre
As somebody who was born and raised in western Washington I appreciate the diversity in the spots shown. Not just the regular old tourist spots Répondre
I looked online, and it’s closed! I’m so sad to see that this amazing kitchen had to close. Such a shame.
just binge watched all tarik Washington videos. hes awesome
Brando sando would never
did they not notice the great blue heron next to them while they were duck hunting?
Tarik was probably the first black man on the island
get out vibes at the house lol
Old Blaine Wetzel… what did he get himself into. Dude was my best friend growing up. Once I mentioned the recent events to my mother… her response: “sounds like him”. Indeed. Pretentious fuck!!!
Lol this video didn't age well. The willows chef kinda looks snakey, not surprised about that bullshit.
Heeey the Dupars!!! 🥰 I love that family!
does anybody have suggestions of shows to watch that is similar like this??
Now make an update about explotaition and fraud in that place
Tarik need his own show. He's too good at this. From his calm nature to his kind and considerate approach, he creates a memorable experience.
Siri went there! Lol my ass!!
This dude remind me with Andre3000
The iphone 5 brings back memories
14:05 "Get Out" vibes BIG TIME
The ducks family in the background like give us back quacky haha @ 10:20 😂 !
This show just makes me love living in Washington
That dinner party 🤮
This i why i love youtube.. we would never get to see such on national tv. Pure organic everyday visions
That place is like Noma.
I ate at The Willow Inn, best meal I’ve ever had
Damn! Every bite had me smacking my lips!
The island part is real life “Get Out” situation for the host.
Thank you for showing the San Juan Islands! My bestie lives on San Juan Island and it’s probably the most magical place I’ve ever been.
I hope this black man is still alive after the horrible protests these past months
"This is our guest tEric"
"it's TARIK, how ya doing?"
WOW Washington is Dope
Really curious why they are growing shiitake and not a native species of mushroom.
When he was the guest at the party with Gail, it reminded me of the movie "Get out". Holy shit lol
They said "Welcome to the Island" …
Chef Blaine Wetzel of The Willows Inn reminds me of Rene Redzepi of Noma
Who knew Angela’s sis from the office lived in Washington What a documentary, did not know Washington had such amazing culture
Tarik Abdullah completed Muslim name but he like to drink wine and stuff….why?
I never thought I would want to move to an Island until now… thanks munchies
As somebody who was born and raised in western Washington I appreciate the diversity in the spots shown. Not just the regular old tourist spots
Call me perv il you want, but she's hot. Ya'll know who am talking about
Yo yall gonna let them get away with calling that meal gourmet? 😭😂🤣🤣✌
Magnolia boulevard has bald eagles
What a great reporter! Refreshing, not know it all.
Please come back!
Tarik is the best munchies host
Washington would be great if Seattle wast ruining it.
an amazing host
Jeez I live in Washington and don’t know a damn thing about it.
LOL his emotions after the pan drippings is tooooo real