The Philadelphia Restaurant Frozen in Time octobre 9, 2023 admin CBD Recipes 13 Step Back to 1918 in Philly’s food time capsule, otherwise known as The Palizzi Social Club. Owner Joey Baldino gives us a tour … Check on YouTube Munchies
CBD Recipes The Legendary Dosa Man of New York avril 15, 2024 admin CBD Recipes 14 Thiru Kumar’s cart in New York was the first to sell vegan dosas in the world. He’s been running NY Dosas, a food cart in … Check on YouTube
CBD Recipes A Crash Course on Rabbit and Polenta with Elena Faita février 9, 2023 admin CBD Recipes 32 In this episode of Giardinos, Le Bremner chef Danny Smiles gives props to Elena Faita, the godmother of Italian cooking in … Check on YouTube
CBD Recipes Chef's Night Out: Saint Martha août 4, 2023 admin CBD Recipes 42 In this episode of Chef’s Night Out, we join Nick Erven of LA restaurant Saint Martha to eat our way through a booze-fueled feast of … Check on YouTube
Is it too much on the nose that Mr. Baldino is bald? Idk I'm balding too so it's not a dig. Just saying.. Répondre
Fun fact: his name, baldino, refers to his bald head ! Fr !!!
Baldino 💀
FYI it’s a private club and they’re not accepting new members anymore.
Awesome, I’ll have to stop in sometime
Lived in that neighborhood and always wondering about that place when walking by it.
Don’t ask me what, but I like this song a lot.
Is it too much on the nose that Mr. Baldino is bald? Idk I'm balding too so it's not a dig. Just saying..
This is a major question! Are blacks allowed?
You can see how much he loves it like he’s almost about to cry
His last name is Baldino, awesome 👌🏽
Its a Museum you eat in. Fucking awesome. More of that.
I love that! What a great concept