37 Commentaires

  1. If you invest 1k into something that gives on average 3.5% yield, that would take nearly 30 years to cover that initial 1k, Assuming your investment would grow, how long does it take to actually turn that initial loss around? Of course you can continually increase your investment but then you have more money you need to earn back. Do you simply have that dividend put back into the investment to compound the growth? Thats why castro is the beststayhomestayhomestayhome

  2. Anyone seen those videos who promote the same visuals of random girls blocking her contacts,unfollowing people getting into “crypto” and then living the life?How is no one questioning that?Like it scream SCAM😂

  3. @3:39 – Ok, so I'm thinking this is effectively like a ponzi scheme… I bet at some stage, the people giving all their details over are going to become future victims. With everything they are asking for, they could be opening new accounts under your name and getting credit under their names and transfer it to another person's account. With a never ending supply of people handing over their details, it gives you a constant supply of victims. And these victims may be hesitant to go to the law, fearful that it will come out how they originally got involved in this situation

  4. The social media companies just make those statements to sound like they are doing the right thing. All those accounts shown in the videos are still active though, lol.

  5. Theres so much money on these streets and on the internet.There’s a whole lot of schemes in this game you all have no idea of. What you have no idea you may think does not exist my trust me people are making money.These boys even showing you these schemes is just a tip or the iceberg there’s more to this than you think. And getting involved in this is a decision one makes if you want to be wealthy. And it’s not even in these small amounts. I’m talking about riches.

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