You can put salvia in a joint though. I've smoked it a few times in a joint. I used to love putting some 40x in a cigarette with some tobacco and going for a walk in the woods
Weed isn't really a proper refined Medicine but it still works as one, and in dam I think it's stupid that you can't get prescribed it because then you pay more for it if you need it as medicine, they just implying that it gets you addicted if you rely on it to help you, that's what catch 22 said to me, but they talking shit, also for me at least I see it more realistically as a recreational thing and I don't really see it as a mainstream medicine tho I realise the benefits
First time I smoked weed I started not having a mad amount and then after about 10 minutes and I’d been sharing from a group that whole time Then I decided to play 2 games of 3,2,1 in a row against 2 of the heaviest stoners in the group And nothing bad even happened
watched drugslab myself quite some time and didn't know they where first of all made by the government , 2nd making so many mistakes. I mean ''Only use weed for your enjoyment'' what kind of nonsense is that? My nan used CBD oil in her tea a lot and actually made it quite far in her life, she did sadly die of cancer.
I did salvia once…and I will never ever touch it again. my body felt like Velcro being pulled apart…on a shelf at Wal-Mart…Lol. it wasn't funny 61st the time and it literally scared me very badly.
Just thinking about LSA is making me sick lol. I think maybe once out of 8 times I didn't puke. Had some nice trips but the final time I was just like, fuck this, and threw like my remaining 100 seeds in the bin
Cool video bro and I did lern a lot from this buy the Netherlands deffo uses cannabis medically mate. There was cannabis patients with MS and canser from the UK doing over to places like Holland and successfuly getting proscriptions,bringing them back into the UK because when we was in the EU it was a agreement to RESPECT ANY E.U. MEDICATION PROSCRIPTION. It's mad and quite unheard of but true.
Seems Like Bro Made This Video Right After Quitting Cigarettes…….
Hair is looking crazy man, love it.
You can put salvia in a joint though. I've smoked it a few times in a joint. I used to love putting some 40x in a cigarette with some tobacco and going for a walk in the woods
You play game of of magong or majong you die there
All that weed has addled your brain, lad.
This video was shit just like that nasty tacky piercing on your crusty bottom lip
This is the quick follow up video from the main video which goes into strengths
There are actually ways of doing LSA don't have more nausea than your average shroom tea
Weed isn't really a proper refined Medicine but it still works as one, and in dam I think it's stupid that you can't get prescribed it because then you pay more for it if you need it as medicine, they just implying that it gets you addicted if you rely on it to help you, that's what catch 22 said to me, but they talking shit, also for me at least I see it more realistically as a recreational thing and I don't really see it as a mainstream medicine tho I realise the benefits
First time take at least 5 tokes or a few pipe hits or one bong rip
First time I smoked weed I started not having a mad amount and then after about 10 minutes and I’d been sharing from a group that whole time
Then I decided to play 2 games of 3,2,1 in a row against 2 of the heaviest stoners in the group
And nothing bad even happened
Mate – you're on fucking drugs – you're as bent as a banana.
who cares, its natural selection basically. if you don't do any research yourself, you shouldnt do drugs anyways.
I've never done any drugs apart from alcohol but I know that what they were saying about weed was 100% wrong lol
love you drew
Maybe the subtitles fucked up english but their saying good shit
your points are fair shit
watched drugslab myself quite some time and didn't know they where first of all made by the government , 2nd making so many mistakes. I mean ''Only use weed for your enjoyment'' what kind of nonsense is that? My nan used CBD oil in her tea a lot and actually made it quite far in her life, she did sadly die of cancer.
dam i watch drugslab hahah
I did salvia once…and I will never ever touch it again. my body felt like Velcro being pulled apart…on a shelf at Wal-Mart…Lol. it wasn't funny 61st the time and it literally scared me very badly.
You sir are a hypocrite, go back through your videos you've done the same shit !!!!!
I think he wants us to add his snapchat
left it on another tab, fourth vid
I did salvia, I do truffles.. Salvia was the best in the most fucked up way, my body wasn't mine after. #zamnezia
How many likes can he get in one sentence
Your hair looks fucking fabulous in this video!!!!!
And do you do xans if not try them but fonts snort coz it tastes like cat piss
Are you bi
"1 toke, and wait 3, to 5… minutes…….
I'm dead
you wont deffo puke on lsa, also if you smoke weed while on it its awesome so i would recommend
O U T R O S O N G ??????
Maybe youtube is just translating the dutch wrong
he need sum milk
Just thinking about LSA is making me sick lol. I think maybe once out of 8 times I didn't puke. Had some nice trips but the final time I was just like, fuck this, and threw like my remaining 100 seeds in the bin
Cool video bro and I did lern a lot from this buy the Netherlands deffo uses cannabis medically mate. There was cannabis patients with MS and canser from the UK doing over to places like Holland and successfuly getting proscriptions,bringing them back into the UK because when we was in the EU it was a agreement to RESPECT ANY E.U. MEDICATION PROSCRIPTION. It's mad and quite unheard of but true.

Psyched Substances!