100% i was at a festival a man took a half ounce of shrooms and died DONT LET THIS DINK TELL YOU MUSHROOMS ARE SAFE when taken as a tool very safe its recreational youth that overdose and get fucked off , i was avid user of psilocybin its a great tool nota fuckin toy or a game .
I don't want to sound all hippie dippie but in all honesty, if you can consume it straight from the earth it should be a fair fucking game for anyone to consume. Am I right?
That looked like what east coast dealers typically get shipped; it's the Cali crop that dispensaries won't sell. -I mean, we can get top shelf in prohibition states, but the price is absurd.
4:16 that’s true shamanism right there
goal: smoke w Ari shaffir
Did anyone else notice the jar of bud just vanish…
Washington state we are the evergreen state for a reason WE GOT THAT FIRE !
100% i was at a festival a man took a half ounce of shrooms and died DONT LET THIS DINK TELL YOU MUSHROOMS ARE SAFE when taken as a tool very safe its recreational youth that overdose and get fucked off , i was avid user of psilocybin its a great tool nota fuckin toy or a game .
Trust me nm medical weed is on point and its all grown by the dispensary organically but truth be told Cali does have the best
time rape? is a patrice oneal bit..
Did anyone else notice at like 3:45 the bud appears out of nowhere.
I hate people that talk too much, ruins my buzz.
That weed looks nasty and old
pass da blunt homie
Not a trichome to be seen on that stuff!
Ari is a mad man!
Its a fucking awesome series. I love them all. Great job Ari.
I don't want to sound all hippie dippie but in all honesty, if you can consume it straight from the earth it should be a fair fucking game for anyone to consume. Am I right?
How dare you not link to his podcast or any of his work in the details section, his fans are helping you guys with views. You should do the same.
Did anyone see the jar of weed just appear
That looked like what east coast dealers typically get shipped; it's the Cali crop that dispensaries won't sell. -I mean, we can get top shelf in prohibition states, but the price is absurd.
not even medical Cannabis in NY? WTF!? Come on now people! get on it! 2016 it will be totally legal in CA.
Deathsquad bitches
He doesnt jnow shit about getting good weed in new york, its medical if u know ppl
Powerful Ari!
Friend of a friend stuck a knife in someone after takin mushrooms. Guess he was already a bit of a prick tho so shouldn't have done em
Lol.. this is funny .. dude looks high .. b a blast to hang with . Lol said 17000 in new york.. about 245$ la…lol fukin hilarious..