I decided to try vaping an entire cartridge in one sitting today because I feel like my tolerance is pretty high right now so I figured … Check on YouTube
Today I am trying out a brand in California that some are says g is the best of the best! It’s called Turtle Pie Co. I got to try the … Check on YouTube
One thing thats interesting is that sometimes eating food can cure cottonmouth for me. And if your dying from a hit for some reason burping just like makes you feel better.
Lemon og frm moxie is one my favorite im Somerset county Pennsylvania I love your videos bro they help me so much but you get way more different strains down your way then what I can get frm my despencerys there only 3 kinda close but I'm also a Franklin labs smoker wedding gelto along with rhythm banna cream there prbley the best I think I do like some prim wells an clyspso thanks for videos. Be cool to Brun together one day man I love cheering all day every day lol
You guys burned it down. Right on.
Purple haze joint
i live in ohio im smoking on a cart with you for the past few weeks been trying to get the carts you get and smoke them with you
I wanna smoke with you guys sooo bad, you should do smoke competitions with your friends to see who taps first.
1.5 gram joint – LSD Strain
upload more longer videos so i can get blazed with y'all
Do more of these!!!
His voice has no force behind it. So peaceful lol kinda like MJ
Old ass video, but bro pull up to vegass!!
This is the realest shit I've seen I think lol. Except your selection is better than mine usually is.
One thing thats interesting is that sometimes eating food can cure cottonmouth for me. And if your dying from a hit for some reason burping just like makes you feel better.
im smokin some strawberry dogshit (fireeee ) out of my 16” zong !
Washington 15 for a gram cart
You guys are awesome to hang out with!
smoke with me im a fan
Smoking a fat bowl of OG kush out the bong!
Big props for having a fan over for a sesh Jeff… Definitely major respect 4 keeping it real!!
You should definitely make some more sesh videos like this it’s real nice vibe just smokeing and talking about everything and anything 🔥
Who got you smiling like that …… pot porn , but he’s got my laughing my ass off 😂😂
I’m smoking some black cherry gelato sugar dabs. I get higher than a Georgia pine and watch these videos lol.
Every time I hear a person say jawn I know we have something in common 😂
Chem DD sugar extract. Pa curaleaf shits fire
PA Banana cream
Modified punch I’m blasted 💥☄️
At the 14:10 mark that guy on the left becomes seriously stoned. lmao. Excellent!
Him: passes cannagar
Me while hitting joint: thanks 🙂
Just listening to these guys convo is amazing
The drone convo had me dying
Lemon og frm moxie is one my favorite im Somerset county Pennsylvania I love your videos bro they help me so much but you get way more different strains down your way then what I can get frm my despencerys there only 3 kinda close but I'm also a Franklin labs smoker wedding gelto along with rhythm banna cream there prbley the best I think I do like some prim wells an clyspso thanks for videos. Be cool to Brun together one day man I love cheering all day every day lol
mine eyes would not stay that clear
Bodega bubblegum by kind tree is pretty gas pammj
My name is jeff