33 Commentaires

  1. And 1:17 – What is this "out of weed" issue you speak of? I can't say I've ever heard of such madness – don't you live in a state where you can buy it legally? As a patient or recreationally depending on where you are? And if not, how do you not know ANYONE with weed – I find that really hard to believe in today's day and age – I'd say maybe I'm spoiled but I don't even think it's that. lol

  2. 1:03 – Man, why can't I meet any incredible women like her?!? – she's drop dead gorgeous, she obviously loves the outdoors, she's got a great sense of humor – AND SHE LOVE'S WEED!

    Anyone else or is it just me? The whole weed smoking thing seems to be a real turn off for a lot of women surprisingly – it didn't used to be like that which is super ironic because now it's legal. We need more beautiful stoner girls who don't shred their bodies apart with tattoos, piercings, hair dyes, implants – we just need more good, natural, down to earth, stoner girls in this world – oh yeah, and who ARENT LESBIANS! hahahahaha

  3. "If you walked into a dispensary and they offered you unlimited flower or unlimited concentrates, which would you choose?"

    Fuckin obviously the concentrates; even if I don't smoke that much concentrate, it's still expensive as hell

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