31 Commentaires

  1. Just wanted to say that the dab hit you started the video out looked like a thing from my dreams. I hope to be able to do that on a regular basis soon.

  2. I just wanted to say that you are one of my favorite YouTube creators, and every time I watch one, or 5, of your videos, it always makes me very happy. Thank you for doing what you do, and please keep going at it.

  3. That's funny I actually fractured my fifth metatarsal in my hand. I just got a nice green cast put on. Makes it pretty difficult to game and smoke. I can still roll great joints tho.

  4. So Australia legalised medicinal but hasn't regulated properly yet. But for future reference, what are the best options for gastro problems? I won't be trusting any doctors for a while either

  5. **Probably won't see this**

    As someone who has had many foot injuries, I gotta recommend what they call "Knee Scooters." They help immensely with mobility and maintaining some level of independence while you're immobile. Peace.

  6. I walked around on a broken knee for like 5 years. I didn't know it actually was broken until I went to the hospital recently because it was throbbing and they asked why I never got it fixed. I have a weird ass lump on my knee now that won't go away and hurts when its cold.

  7. So let me get this right. If you smoke cannabis in your videos, they get age-restricted right? And if they get age-restricted, they get demonetized? That's so incredibly unfair. Still a discriminatory world against stoners. Some would argue that it's inappropriate for children, which is fair, but it is also good for kids, you don't want your kids growing up scared of weed because it isn't scary. I grew up scared of weed and I've been smokin for 4 years give or take… fuck that man

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