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15 Commentaires
Was just clicking on a few of your vidoes over the year and just wanted to say congrats on the weight loss.
Sorry man but the puff co battery sucks, flavor isn’t bad but the high temperature burns, and for the price point unless you got in on their 420 deal it’s a waste in my opinion. You have to review the boundless terp pen. Price can’t beat it and no button operation, quick charge and flavor is unbeatable. Try it you will thank me. Plus they have the XL which you can attach to the bubbler, even better. Hands down no brainer.
Utillian 5. Should come with a warning. Have couch near. The coils are really nice for loading concentrates. They also clean well by just burning off the residue when your done seshing. Great product.
Was just clicking on a few of your vidoes over the year and just wanted to say congrats on the weight loss.
Can these vape pens be used for hash?
Sorry man but the puff co battery sucks, flavor isn’t bad but the high temperature burns, and for the price point unless you got in on their 420 deal it’s a waste in my opinion. You have to review the boundless terp pen. Price can’t beat it and no button operation, quick charge and flavor is unbeatable. Try it you will thank me. Plus they have the XL which you can attach to the bubbler, even better. Hands down no brainer.
And…great video 👍
Wait I agree Utillian, but the blaze? I gave that away i hated it so much
where is the lookah seahorse x it belongs up there !!
I was gonna comment about the shitty jokes until you said you were sick of them😂😂😂😂 that shit was funny man😭
Utillian 5. Should come with a warning. Have couch near. The coils are really nice for loading concentrates. They also clean well by just burning off the residue when your done seshing. Great product.
Great reviews as usual
Solid B99 Reference
Great comparison video.
Right on man.
Great video
I’m beginning to believe you like water filtering… a lot.
Is the only difference on the v3 vs the standard Utillian 5 just the new mouthpiece with the loading tool?