United Nations Reclassifies Cannabis! juillet 9, 2022 admin CBD News 21 So in the last few days you might have heard that the united nations and the world health organisation have reclassified cannabis. Check on YouTube Drewsif
CBD News Blue Zushi VS Yellow Zushi VS Pink Zushi décembre 16, 2023 admin CBD News 33 Check on YouTube
CBD News Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe | Drewsif août 9, 2022 admin CBD News 37 Just chillin’ out with jack, doing some of those flips ya’ know? If you see this, comment « Nice flip, Bro » ——— Instagram: … Check on YouTube
CBD News Marina Joyce. The Truth. juillet 16, 2022 admin CBD News 0 The truth about this situation from all sides. Now stop already. Check on YouTube
Soon as it’s legal here we can show the “yanks” how it’s done like everything else we do in life😜 Répondre
You are the one I get all my info from dude I doubt you left anything out that's critical to mention nice work. Dublin viewer across the water 😀 Répondre
This guy starting the video talking all 'street', then comes the 'normal' English accent the more excited he gets. Be yourself fella. Répondre
Declassified to a medicine, they will randomly announce it out of nowhere like they usually do Répondre
2020 really shed light on how many stoner's there are in the world, this is a good time to be a stoner. Although this don't mean much short-term, we ain't seen official legal changes like this in a whiiiile. Happy to see where this takes us Répondre
Nearly 1 year later nothing has changed……
Alcohol should be schedule 4
Drew when do you think it will be legalised?
New sub, blaze one
Free the weed
Soon as it’s legal here we can show the “yanks” how it’s done like everything else we do in life😜
Swear I heard That mp mogg has his own or shares in a weed growing company in the uk
fuck yes i was born in the right generation come on UK let’s make it happen 🌿🇬🇧
Not bad a month later and you have your cannabis medical card who'd have guessed
1K likes lets gooo!
You are the one I get all my info from dude I doubt you left anything out that's critical to mention nice work. Dublin viewer across the water 😀
WHO actually doing somthing fucking useful this year
Your danger scheduling sounds upside down
At least for the US
This guy starting the video talking all 'street', then comes the 'normal' English accent the more excited he gets. Be yourself fella.
The U.N has no power to legalize anything ????
It's not a nation state!!
Please stop referring to the UK as “England” 🤞🏻🔥🍁
Declassified to a medicine, they will randomly announce it out of nowhere like they usually do
It will be 2100 be Australia gets on board…
Let’s hope the Uk pulls its head out the clouds and legalises it 🇬🇧
2020 really shed light on how many stoner's there are in the world, this is a good time to be a stoner. Although this don't mean much short-term, we ain't seen official legal changes like this in a whiiiile. Happy to see where this takes us