TVape shows how to use the Kandypens Mini and get the most from yet another Kandypens wax pen. Read on to learn more! Check on YouTube
36 Commentaires
Hi everyone,if you want to know about the Vapman, well I bought one from Toronto Vaporizer and not only is their service unbelievable but the Vapman once comfortable with the heating method is also unbelievable!I really enjoy using it and works very well!also,mine is almost a year old and still perfect. Toronto Vaporizer #1
Hi everyone,if you want to know about the Vapman, well I bought one from Toronto Vaporizer and not only is their service unbelievable but the Vapman once comfortable with the heating method is also unbelievable!I really enjoy using it and works very well!also,mine is almost a year old and still perfect. Toronto Vaporizer #1
Please release a full version of this song!!!!!!!
WHAT SONG IS THIS PLEASE ITS SO SICK? I wil BUY one of these if i can please just know the song
The song is on his sound cloud page (Edward Blakely) called Beethovens 5th dubstep, but its still only 51 seconds long
Ya so you guys should definitely release the full version of this song.. its amazing
Am speakers blew out. The bass was tremendous
Song is epic. I WANT IT
Tha music is epic. I want it
i want the music!!!!!
Because of the song. I went and bought one. Excellent example of why music is so important when advertising a product.
OMG i really hope u guys would make a extended version of this song cus its really good and lots of people including me would pay to hear this song
Classic music into dubstep. Amazing,
I want this song!
pls make an extended version coz i would pay 2 hear it
That's pretty stupid considering I would've paid to listen to a full version of this song..
Can the song be found on Edward Blakeley's page?
I'm having trouble finding the title for the song.
can we buy a full version of the track ?
But dude you should totally tell them to make an extended version, all the people will love it!!!!!!!
if you make this song in to a full length song ill buy one of your vapmans.
if you make this song in to a full length song ill buy one of your vapmans.
Someone NEEDS TO make an extended version.
This song NEEDS to be released to the public
it is a vital part of human life
I think many of us did too.
I think many of us did.
I believe the song is a remix of Beethoven's fifth symphony, for those of you who are wondering.
Does anyone have a download for this song?!
Yeah….I downloaded this advertisement just for the music :S
I have no clue what the product is, though 😛
Thanks Captain Obvious.
The original song was 5th of Beet Hoven (Not Remix Version)
I just came here for the music lol
The song is a remix of Beethoven's 5th symphony. Good job on the remix.