42 Commentaires

  1. Going back watching all your vids on here since I’ve haven’t seen all (there’s not many left lemme tell ya), but I’ve watched all on your stfumatthew and I miss you! I hope you’re feeling alright my man? Bc you’re not updating as often as you used too. Not saying that bc of pressure for you to upload more, I just hope you’re ok🤗💞 I’m struggling like hell, I’m the type of person that usually brush things off or don’t engage to protect myself, so I sort of always have had a mix of some kind of shallowness in my life then periods where I’m caring too much, if ya know what I mean… And now I care too much again, reality hit me like a truck again, I’m feeling it all.. my life, my few friends, my fam, my emotions, my meaning and existence… everything.. Like even corona! Corona hasn’t bothered me as much as it should have (not in the sense I’ve been careless- not at all bc I’m being very careful, but I usually just go to work and stay at home anyway), but in Jan when things started getting worse in my country (even if I’m an “introvert” and don’t like hanging out with people), I found out and it hit me, I fucking miss life. I miss having the chance to do me wherever I wanna do me bc I’m on the road to find MYSELF.. So like, I fucking miss not having bullshit like corona or shit hanging over me, I already have too much shit hanging over me so this doesn’t help, not that corona take up my time now.. Lol, what I meant was, I just found out I’m unhappy. And it’s not because of corona or nothing in particular, I’m just unhappy and have been for a long time, and life makes no sense at all:( It’s just too weird, why are we here etc., and I’ve been trying to find out why I’m here and there’s nothing.. it’s.. you know what I found out, I’m here bc of mom and dad and my babysis (21 yrs old) and that’s it. I love them too much. That’s fucking it. I don’t want a family, I don’t want to keep working.. I just, what’s the point bc I would rather enjoy myself instead!!! But how can I do that with shit hanging over me, people’s expectations etc…. And corona is just an example bc it’s hanging over me like without it actually having too… fuck it, but it hangs over me bc it affects the whole fucking world and here I am, sad as fuck and people have it ten times worse than me… fuck, just fuck. And what I meant to say all along, lmao, was your videos truly help me and you’re a wonderful, wonderful person that I admire and wish was my friend in real life. There’s truly not many people like you, meaning how you show your emotions, how you’re so chill, your view on life and the earth and universe etc. in general, the way you love, the way you care, the way you experiment and the way you do YOU, it’s making me feel like I’m not alone. Writing this on this vid especially is bc like I said, watching all vids I haven’t seen. Stfumatthew is my heart💗 This channel too! I just hope you’re good bro, you’re amazing. Iflu❤️🌹 Keep doing you! Virtual hug🤗

  2. Ты не мог бы найти более полезные идеи для молодёжи чем курить всякую дрянь??? Если бы я была твоей матерью то я бы надрала тебе зад за такие видео и отправила бы тебя туда, где можно и нужно научится правильно жить и целенаправленно тратить своё время… а не заниматься дурью и непотребством. Куда катиться молодёжь? Мне просто страшно представить ваше будущее!!!

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