39 Commentaires

  1. I find you very entertaining and very funny! I love watching your videos. You shouldn't care so much about what people think , you are super amazing. Look forward to watching more of your videos.

  2. Just keep it up with the good work man, like your videos are awesome and you need to believe in yourself. I don't follow you since a long time, but I fucking love your personality and your individuality like, stay yourself and you're gonna do great vids! I hope that if you come to canada you're going to pass by Quebec and do a meet up or something, I would love to meet you and all. I don't know if Quebec is in your plan or whatever but I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be happy to see you. Anyway, great vids man, continue to make great stuff.

  3. hey man I'd say not to worry about what people want you to post!

    just go with your heart when making content!
    upload what you personally enjoy!
    upload what you want the world to see
    and just do you!

    your viewers will love it man!

    I do agree YouTubes in a delicate place
    it seems to be running off drama and negativity between Users
    it's sad because YouTube has turned into a Playground drama club!

    I'd love to talk sometime
    ever wanna Skype and just Talk about shit and swap YouTube stories with our channels n shit I'm always here man!


  4. Just wanted to say that I've been watching your videos for such a long time and your seriously such a positive person and I love you so much. Stay awesome Drew

  5. why do people dress and look weird just to look weird…. why the stupid hair n ear shit… n u really like that faded ass hoody… why cause it makes u look like a hippie n hippies are cool… honestly new it would look decent but why… just why these ppl are just sad… how about just be different in the way u act you don't have to show everyone n basicly scream for attention…

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