23 Commentaires

  1. was this before you could visit north korea? because recently i’ve had a normal ordinary computer science teacher who told us about when he visited north korea and they have a whole hotel dedicated to housing foreign tourists and a system of tour guides to keep an eye on you. as long as u fly in via china i don’t think it’s far-fetched to visit north korea now. i had no clue it was such a short while ago that it became more open – not very open but nonetheless more open

  2. Well George Bushie , so called American Administration is now the enemy of the people , so I hope you enjoyed your kick back money. Setting this crap up for decades.

  3. Convinced this 'state' is an intel or Illuminati or whoever rules the world, experiment to see what happens in those conditions. Kind of like 'covid 19' scamdemic
    . They seemed to have mostly perfected it.

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