30 Commentaires

  1. I h8 you upping this BS.

    I know weed is the kiddy drug but ffs. Kid grow up. Why pay for packaging? Like that stupid and illegal copyright ©️ bs.

    Star dog 20£
    Star dog in this bs £35

    Yeah you a player bra but playing stupid games.

    Weed is a weed as in evasive plant that will grow even if you try to hurt it. Like any other weed around.

    But morons who listen to BS hype more money than sense only too happy to get ripped off and ruin it for everyone.

    £20 should be 4g of weed no matter what it is. Weed is weed. 2005 rules. You kenti kids ripping each other off age 13. Half a G 10£ 💩 now its almost the standard.

    I'm paying £80 an oz of 💩 shake with pop corn buds in there. It works well looks like 💩. But take a pic and see its all coated Deep in Triches.

    Pre rolled J's F boys like you would like it. Go on some BS tangent about how flavors hit under tones and BS BS. BS. HYPE. HYPE. HYPE. Then go on and on over hyping this bud that bud but my bud is good especially for the price.

    Then I say you roll one and you see the shake 💩 then get all superior.

    Branding it towards children like this really isn't gonna help us get legal either is it. Like Germany has. If they have and Bangkok. UK gotta be close.

    But not with this BS target the kiddies. Unless a group stand up now. Demand this BS stop. And legalise it to save the kids who today probably sell more weed than the adults do.

    Since hippy dave is too paranoid to serve anyone he hasn't known for years. Happy to just supply friends for free smoke.

    Sell an 8th to a kid who takes it to school 5er a J.

    Schools should be made to publish drug data in schools. Show the public snd govt just how bad it is today.

    I bet there's 14yr olds growing it themselves. Learned helping out another crop now on it guerilla grow.

    That's why I'm training my dog to love weed. I didn't mean to I just noticed how eager dog is to smell my teeth after I smoke. Or prompt me to exhale in his face.

    He can be time out in kitchen but he knows the sound my tin make and he comes running nose in mine.

    So imma start hiding weed making him find it gets treat.

    Then I'll walk him along rivers streams etc anywhere bushy with water source and I know this dog only needs 100m near it and he'll get scent.

    Malinois are crazy amazing at whatever they do. Going out looking for wild grows could be fun either if we don't find owt..

    But I think there's tons of it in the wild.

    Remember the 6ft weed Bush that grew in city of London outside a bank lol.

    The UK group called "Feed the birds" run around the countryside throwing seeds everywhere to "Feed the birds" lol. Its been years since that so hopefully they still at it. Weed for everybody.

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