41 Commentaires

  1. Real question, what do you do after you ripe on everything and you end your video? Like I feel like you'd make a bomb ass bowl of cereal and watch tv or some shit, lmao

  2. I eat a piece of chocolate edibles every video of yours I watch, could you include edibles somehow in your "smoking along, dabbing along, vaping along" because I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this

  3. +StrainCentral (Cannabis Reviews and Smoke Sessions) can we please have a effects on adolescent cannabis use video please cause i dont know the effects on myself and will spread positive awareness josh

  4. High josh!!!! I was laughing so hard about that watermelon story. When you showed that picture I started crying. I needed that great laugh. Keep up all the great work! Stay high & happy, cheers man!

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