22 Commentaires

  1. People, genuine question… I have smoked weed on and off for the past 10 years and had good and bad experiences but love smoking weed.. like how can I make the 50/50 of good and bad experiences to actually enjoying every time I smoke… is it not for me or is it a mental trait? Or shit weed. Genuinely need advice as yeah I suffer from chronic pains

  2. So call a gelato a haze so they dont think the plug is a cunt. Lets just think about who the actual twat is in that situation. If you like being lied too its a great concept but a bad road to travel.

  3. I don't think changing the strain's name is a good thing for the client because different strains hit different mind highs. If I bought a Magnum to enjoy at a party but it's actually not the real stuff, I may get really anxious or stoned hard, which would just end the party for me and make me go home or even have a breakdown in the middle of the party.

  4. This video is facts. This happens intentionally and unintentionally. Sometimes, especially in Recreational/Medical production… stuff just gets mixed up. When you have like 20+ people trimming, most of them on different strains from the same harvest… it happens. And yeah, sometimes phenotypes don't match the name. Renaming is something that fixes that issue! Some strains were just renamed, as you pointed out in your video about Cheese. Great videos man, love that you do your research/know your shit!

  5. I breed my own cannabis and I don’t even bother making names up for them. When I spend 4 or 5 years crossing and back crossing to get a stable strain the last thing on my mind is what to call it. My last successful cross was Big bud (I chose for obvious reasons) crossed with chemdawg (for the high THC) and I just call it my swag to any of my mates I have a smoke with.

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