30 Commentaires

  1. lol this is funny but I agree with the driver, I would've been like "…tf you just said???" cause for Americans we would've said "oh I can't reach that because I'm sitting down and I have this seat belt on…blah blah blah." Lmao but yeah …either way its fine

  2. Wtf is this dude not know what the word sat means hahaha. We use the word but, personally and with my surroundings (don't know if this speaks for all of New York), we use the phrase sitting down rather than sat.

  3. Lol it might seem ridiculous but if someone asks me to do them a favor i will. That's the polite thing, its usually pretty easy to reach the backseat with a belt on or you can just unbuckle it for a second. The taxi driver was probably like "wtf is he saying, oh seriously, why,?".

  4. Don't know who you were with but the term SAT as in I SAT down is very common in the USA. I think your driver was the uncommon one, maybe one of our many illiterates? Our perhaps a bit mentally challenged? Anyway, SAT is very common in every state I have lived in and travelled in and that is all the western states and some of the Midwestern ones, though I have never been out east I cannot imagine they don't use SAT all the time either dude.

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