37 Commentaires

  1. Cudi made a bad choice taking the gig. He should have known it wasn't going to be his crowd in that situation. If that's the case, he was stupid for taking that stage. Or, maybe he's that smart and he knew it would happen and he would still get paid for doing nothing and he did it just to take money away from Kanye for an easy payday. If that's the case, he's a genius.

  2. Kudi Used to be the Man !!!!! , He was known not to be a sell-out in the past . Nowadays Kudi is that Man who has a (Dress) and a (Purse) replacing his enemies on stage and getting booed off by trash throwers

  3. Because the crowd was having boredom. If he was entertaining they wouldn't do that plus he only got 1 popular song day n night . so do that then like 2 more and go home brother. He be wearing dresses too that doesn't help

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