39 Commentaires

  1. Only man can declare a plant illegal. God put this plant here so it’s LAWFUL! If it was unlawful God wouldn’t have put it here for us to enjoy. Legal and Lawful are not the same. Legal pertains to the manmade system and Lawful pertains to the Laws of nature aka God’s Law.

  2. What an awesome couple. I am trying my first 3 seeds, I'm ready to transplant and out outside, hope they turn out. The starters are so healthy , so pleased so far.

  3. I love this so much
    thank you for sharing this video and sharing your wisdom with us
    You are such a cute couple and I love your doggy
    we are in a southern California suburban half acre food forest and we just bought some of your seeds!
    We had several successful cannabis grows here, and we agree with your perspective that it should be grown outdoors in a natural biodynamic soil
    Excited to try your wonderful classic seeds out here in nature!


  4. hi i have a question…do all outdoor cannabis flower around september-october
    i planted the seed around february and now its about half my height. How will i know when it will flower?

  5. I've got a plant(outdoor) that started to flower at the end of April. It is from a hermaphrodite seed, but it was not an autoflower. What's the deal? Should I try to get seeds from it?

  6. As you folks have broke the law to grow herb. It’s weird to watch you say “don’t break the law”. What about the billions of people that live where growing herb is still illegal? Keep promoting the vision you had when it was illegal

  7. Last year was my first year doing a outdoor grow, and with the ups and downs I really enjoyed the overall experience and reward. Have Seedlings going for the upcoming transplant in a couple weeks!. Peace and care to y'all grows.

  8. big Viking to guard the garden…AWSOME video!!!!we grow in desert.N. Arizona…we don't fight the elements; we work w them. With the HIGH WINDS and sand storms…a Wood Steel glass greenhouse is needed. we have one sided trees ,yet our windows let in sun as well….so i carry lots of pots with pot in them…we breed as well…pheno hunter!!! no fems..could herm…. no autos…we are in no hurry ,in our 60s. i also train daily and at night…hual our own water..and we turn clay soil into gold…. yea i prospect for Gold as well…LOVE IT!!! worm farm ,leaf mould,humis,COMPOSTING!!!!! and at night i dig playing gutiar and rockin death metal on acoustic….. but i follow CHRIST!!! read GODS WORD DAILY and GIVE THANKS we have our own property and dont have to live near any city!!! im in the movie DUNE out here. a freeman…..to be sure!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA! we eat what we grow or raise….NO DOCTORS! NO T.V. no LIARS!! simple. PEACEFULL, meditative.WORSHIP!! PRAISE JESUS CHRIST!!!! oh yea ,man I LOVE THAT DARK BEARD!!

  9. Starting my outdoor grow today. In VA we can only grow four at a time, but we can grow them as big as we possibly can, so I’m using 100 gallon pots and going to enclose them in a tent right before they start to flower. Last year I realized VA is super high in humidity towards August/September. So the environmen/humidity has to be controlled during this time. But it is an easy fix.

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