40 Commentaires

  1. Mexicans would be surprised and interested to know of another culture's cuisine that is very heavily influenced by Mexican food. Check out food from Ghana, it has many of the same ingredients!

  2. Now Knowing that posole is a traditional soup to give a sacrifice to men (self) and to the demons gods false gods I won't be eating this neither will my family and that is not an inconvenience. Jesus Christ is King and Lord all false gods including self-centered man will be destroyed if they do not repent from sin. Time is short

  3. She is not from Guadalajara. Maybe her parents are. She is chicana. She acts and talks like a border town Mexican from Tijuana and educated in the Anglo colleges of the US. She got her "Mexican education" in the US. White washed Mexican giving white washed history of Mexico and making Japanese/Mexican Pozole. What a joke.

  4. These Anglo college educated chefs doing Mexican are cringe. No ma’am. Roasted onions. Some thing that’s Asian inspired? More Asian inspired stuff? What even. Girl bye. Also get infatuation with letting us know she’s from Guadalajara is cringe.

  5. “It predates the Spaniards landing on ‘our land’…Aztec Empires are known to be amazing warriors as a result of their ‘conquest’…pozole is in our blood.” WTF is wrong with you? Somos mexicanos, yes, pero somos mestizos. We are a mixed race…we are Spaniards and indigenous plus much more. You put down Spaniards, Los Conquistadors, for landing on “Our Land” and then you glorify the Aztecs for conquering other tribes and being cannibals. Then we see you for the first time at the 40 second mark y eres más güera de la chingada. Obviously, you have more European blood than Indian blood and you come across as high and all mighty…WTF? Embrace who you really are and don’t be ashamed….don’t be so one sided. We are conquistadors and guess what? Before that, we were crusaders también. We have Indian blood from different parts of Mexico…we are not all Aztec descendente….de las mechicas! “Everything WOKE goes to shit!”

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