41 Commentaires

  1. bro i did meth thinking it was a dab , before graduation i was drunk asf, stopped by to "smoke" and came out HIGHHH. Meth is a one time thing especially as an accident and thats the only time its ok, but it was like eating two 8ths of mushrooms and i was trippin, just on one its like coc, weed, mushrooms, and maybe a tab but it last forever

  2. Man every time I watch your videos they get better better than better oh did I mention they get better than that. I love how you take time and your videos and do skits so for us at home watching it gives us more of an idea of what it was like back then when you were experiencing all this

  3. the moment i heard it was from the first story time i knew it was gonna be the cabi story (idk how to spell cabi). crazy to see the change in production value. me and my homie have been watching story times and videos and podcasts for a while now. excited to see what yola keeps doing

  4. Hey man I LOVE THESE VIDS. I’ve been sick lately and been starting from the very first story time. Once again you’ll probably never see this but hell man I love the vibes.
    -Potshot The Hotshot

  5. I remember watching hard drug confessions the night it came out. I was laughing at some parts but mostly felt bad for you because unfortunately I knew what you were experiencing to a degree. Now its a long time later, and you're sitting in a King's Throne telling the same story. Usually this would come off as an ignorant move to a passerby. But the real ones know what you been through, and they remember all the OG shit, such as drooling ass Dan, the weed heaven with packs in the kitchen cupboards, and hiding by a washing machine for the cops to pass. I'm really happy so see you and Rosie come so far, I hope you remember some of my old comments.

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