41 Commentaires

  1. From experience, Dr Oz isn't wrong with lots he said, I used cannabis daily to try and fight depression, it worked and helped for a long time until I was smoking everyday all day, that's an addiction which made me not want to go to work because I couldn't smoke weed, made me not want to socialize because all I wanted to do was smoke, weed isn't the worst but it can be if you let it control your life, I was smoking an oz every 2 weeks and that's if I could push it that far..

  2. Imagine thinking that smoking a plant is worse than swallowing literal chemicals
    Randomly in hopes that eventually you’ll find one that doesn’t literally drive you insane. These people are delusional

  3. Wow, smoking and eating CBD edibles stopped my sickle cell pain so I COULD work. Thanks to cannabis getting rid of that pain, I just got my career started as a mechanical engineer. I honestly hate politicians. I tried every pill in the book and they either had crazy side effects or just didnt work. Funny how a plant in the ground works better than all these crazy synthetic pills. CBD helped me focus more too and git rid of the migraines I got from the lights in my work area.

  4. He only won the primary, im from pa. We vote in November and fedderman is def going to win. His wife is in the program for one and he wants home grown. Oz just won the right to run is all

  5. I've been sober off narcotics and benzos thanks for medical marijuana I was highly addicted to narcotics and benzos and you can't overdose on marijuana how many deaths is there from medical marijuana none how many deaths are from pills thousands of people overdose from pills and the big pharma want to make money not help people they just want to pump people with posin

  6. It may not be a popular opinion or maybe it’s just me, but I seem to be extremely addicted to cannabis and have been since 14 years old. I’m 29 now and still can’t seem to quit even when really wanting to.

  7. This guy's a joke. Cannabis has done more for my mental health than any prescription drug ever has. My physician had me taking Seroquel and trileptal for my schizophrenia. And to be honest with you it made me a couch potato. I didn't have the gumption to get off the couch to do anything. I smoked my first joint and never looked back. Not only did it silence the voices, it also gave me the motivation to get up and do things that my doctor prescribed prescriptions wouldn't let me do. They need to quit with the 1920s propaganda in general and just admit marijuana is one of the best medicines on the market.

  8. My psych Dr has noticed a marked improvement in my mental health due to the use of medical marijuana to the point she has taken me off of 3 of my prescriptions and told me to keep doing what I'm doing with my medical marijuana use. Dr Oz is a stupid SOB that need just shut the hell up about medical marijuana and how bad he thinks it is.. Here's an idea Oz, smoke a joint and get a clue


  10. i thrive in my job every single day i slay and come home and do what i gotta do and some days i put hours on my hobby washout ruining my routine and i wanna thank weed for all the sleepy nights the alert mornings and the mellow afternoons plus it keeps me away from killing a bitch so its safe to say im a happy and productive person and i dont know what that maggot is saying but he feeds off the ignorance of the boomer generation and a lot of millenials too, all ignorants that cant read a book but watch news all day and think thats the best way to educate yourself yeah okay boomer!

  11. This is why I don’t watch his show or dr. Phil’s they are bs especially dr.phil I hate that guy . The employment rate for cannabis has gone up since it became federally legal here in Canada, even my older sister works now for a big cannabis company and she work as Human Resources. So all of this not working is bull shit that he’s saying 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️.

  12. Bro with all respect you have no clue what your talking about in the political sphere. What does MAGA have to do with anything? You act like because he supports Trump THAT makes him crooked. No he is crooked because of the facts you said at the beginning. Most wish we had MAGA back in office instead of this illegitimate admin. The election was stolen and it’s been proven. You had me with factual evidence in the beginning about Dr. Oz but when you started with a MAGA stuff you lost a sub. I know you really don’t care but I’m just letting you know. I may not even be the only one. Take a poll on your channel who they’d rather have in office right now, Bo Jiden or Trump. I bet you a zip it’s the latter!
    Stick to facts and not your political opinions. Because trust me no one likes the liberal bullSh!t. I think most of your subscribers would love to have Donald Trump and his mean tweets back in office right about now instead of this illegitimate potato head with his inflation making everything twice as expensive. But somehow it’s still Trump‘s fault lol. How’s the high gas prices treating ya? It will get much worse in the following weeks but thank God trump is gone with his mean tweets. I would love to debate you on your live stream, I doubt that will happen.

  13. america must have some pretty important ppl in pen just like britain has here in london. afterall i want to try to bring the second coming of christ using good cannabis. thats why cannabis is a class a drug and why nixon's raigeme is in full effect using every undercover occult government group to stop less than 6% of uk cannabis smokers from smoking thc in any form. the other 94% can get good cannabis but arent as clued up. it takes belief

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