27 Commentaires

  1. I bought this 1 year ago and mine still goes strong never HAD to change the coil and charges in no time while keeping a decent battery life, small, slim, and looks like a vape pen for casual discreet public tokin', lastly.. hits like a champ!(for $10 not bad at all)

  2. Would it be ok to use this pen to smoke the hash stucked in the tubes of my vaporizer gotten by vaporizing weed since a long time ago? hahaha It is great hash quality, but it contains a little bit of dried out leafs from the weed and I wonder if there would be any problems because of it.

  3. For an extra 5 dollars you can get a yocan evolve that comes with 2 way better coils a bigger battery and it's all metal except for the button and the dual quartz coils

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