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What ratio of milky to amber tricombs do you prefer???
So are the pre press molds counter intuitive then since they pack the stuff down hard? You guys always mention not overpacking the bud into the bags but how is that possible if using one of your pre press molds?
smoking the first batch of rosin out of the nugsmasher mini. youre product is absolutely fantastic, its gonna end up paying for itself pretty quick hah.
Yeah the Best press mucha miel 💨💨 éxito 🙏
When I hit the lotto first thing ima do is buy all nug smasher’s
That's really sad that the flower is censored whoever made that a rule they need to stop restricting our artistic expression to me seeing it done is an art form not a narcotic only thing I could think close to it as medication….
What was your return on that run? I personally like running at lower temps on my XP. The color is lighter and the yield is the same with a little more time.
Love it! Every time! 💯👊
Does the mini get delivered to the UK?
Mad respect for the palm tattoo, that's dedication to passion for what you've built.
Why are the nugs blurred out?
Hey NS Crew. JW here why no videos on the NS OG? Is it obsolete or something? Please advise. I just bought one btw.
Guys as a customer you really need to offer some hands on classes, kinda like a 1 day deal I know I would pay to learn hands on, and it would be great PR, and would be a lot of fun along with really learning the right way, you have so many products you could really teach.
Thanks anyway
That jungle boys is some good bud
Once it cools off, you can smoke it right away?
Se puede fumar asi en una vaper
Why even show the bud if you guys are gonna blared it? Don't make sense.
could you make a hash rosin video showing how much pressure is needed and the right temps🙏🏼
Quality video. As per usual!
Man i swear this was so good to just sit back spark a blunt and watch how satisfying those were dripping down😎🤘💯good job guys 🤙💯
dude stop blurring your marajuana No NEED.
video idea. bags vs no bags. whats the outcome?
so many other channels with nugs. so weird.
Love the channel but to censor the buds now after so many videos can't thumbs up sorry.
How are u guys getting weed from jungle boys they don’t have anything here in az
hell yeah onewheel in the background
another great video with great results. Quick question is it better to smash a large bag or several small bags?
What would happen if the power went out mid squish?
Would it run off a battery bank power bar which would run a computer for maybe a couple hours?
Some strains are more gooey and freshness probably matters, putting it in the freezer for 10mins or more probably helps a LOT
is the temperature in Farenheight or Celcius?
Love your vids. But if you're going to blur out the bud, quit zooming in on it lol.
I know its not recommended but I'm able to successfully press 7-11 grams on the mini. My yields are always about 23%-30% just depending on the flower itself. Love my machine so far!
the fact u gotta censor the bud is really weird cause why not the dabs as well? but oh well youtube be weird
You really can’t show the flower? 😒
Did your really have to blur the flower?!! Wow youtube 👏
Blur probably for monetizing purposes, gotta respect the grind.. and the press👌
Y are you blurring out the product???
Looks amazing! Can’t wait to get one. Been wanting to get into it
I'm confused why do you have the tree blurred
Why blur it
3.5 press👌
Im pressing some right now!!!
here we go with the stupid sensor shit im unsubscriping
This is a very awesome machine
14g smash!! This is going to be satisfying!