drgreenthumbpodcast #brealtv #309 Powered by Restream Check on YouTube
16 Commentaires
That mcflurry video, she did that her self because the ice cream comes from a machine, thats impossible for that to happened, unless she pissed off one of the workers 😂😂
Why bother with the 30 minutes no cussing when the first 30 minutes is dead air anyway? is it a lazy editor or what? dead air on a replay is lame que no?
That mcflurry video, she did that her self because the ice cream comes from a machine, thats impossible for that to happened, unless she pissed off one of the workers 😂😂
The paintings 🖼️ were dope
Why bother with the 30 minutes no cussing when the first 30 minutes is dead air anyway? is it a lazy editor or what? dead air on a replay is lame que no?
my family grew up off menudo to, everyone but me that is, i am the only non-drinker in the family
menudo sucks, i wll never eat that shit..lol
🦠💫🌬️🌊🥶💤🌌🌃🧬🌆 👾
Love this show !! 💪
I've recently seen Buddy on a few collabs I was listening to, great rapper for sure.
Love you buddy you are a great artist man! And to the Podcast show dab more wtf
Happy Birthday Cali Blaise !!!
🔊”Sum Peepo tell me that I neeed help, Sum Peepo”🔊
Party 123 😂😂
1:39:13 🔥🔥🔥
00:00 – Lounge
37:29 – Show
1:31:15 – Submissions
1:51:43 – Opening the Doors to the Insane Asylum (Comments & Super Chats)
Another dope guest, another dope episode! 💯