What up guys, question? Have you ever considered that smoking off of copper can cause lockjaw.. im just wondering if I get one of these what it is really made out of??
@kingbeatsoz i have an 18 inch
3 tree perc Phire
got it for under a bill
gets the job FUCKIN DONE SON
but if you have the money then get scientific
cmon this is 2012
@leftover421 im not trying to hate on these guys and I realize why they are using these nick names. I watch their videos all the time, but it would be cooler if they used their real first names kinda like Paul from Tokin Daily. I'm not starting Tokin Daily vs TheCCC420 but Paul is a good example of keeping his full identity private while still sharing much about him.
@kingbeatsoz depends on what size ur going for. i got my 12 inch 6 tree percc for 95. its definitaly not the best quality glass or perc but it gets the job done. ur local smoke shop, head shop, or glass shop should have something ur looking for.
your torches sound super quiet man! what kind are they? my torch is pretty loud and its super annoying for my room mates to hear that shit going off every few minutes
@TheCCC420 hell yeah appreciate guys, just ordered mine last night. Had to get one after my buddy broke my sherbet dabber. Jesse is a real nice guy, hit him up!
those thngs r fuckin sick dude.. but I looked em up to try an buy one and they r 600 bucks! holy shit! that was a surprise!
i cant find him on facebook any help would be greatly apreciated
What up guys, question? Have you ever considered that smoking off of copper can cause lockjaw.. im just wondering if I get one of these what it is really made out of??
I dont like them lol
roor is nice as fuck
Gotta love Souls of Mischief! Tokin from now to Infinity
Anyone know where I can pick one of these up?
@kingbeatsoz bongoulet (dot) ca.
anyone know how much one of these would go for? i dont want to waste his time emailing him because it will most likely be out of my price range.
@TheCCC420 Cool definatly going to hit up Jesse James for one of these in the near future. Any idea what one of these would run you?
Dial the 7 digits..
@kingbeatsoz just make one with paper foil and plastic….jk
@kingbeatsoz i have an 18 inch
3 tree perc Phire
got it for under a bill
gets the job FUCKIN DONE SON
but if you have the money then get scientific
cmon this is 2012
hella feelin the 93 till infinity beat! keepin it g for the bay breh!
MN represent!!
can't wait for Toph to go on Dancing with the Stars
@MrZeustersmith kush face toph*
@leftover421 im not trying to hate on these guys and I realize why they are using these nick names. I watch their videos all the time, but it would be cooler if they used their real first names kinda like Paul from Tokin Daily. I'm not starting Tokin Daily vs TheCCC420 but Paul is a good example of keeping his full identity private while still sharing much about him.
toph; i'm glad you know what moldavite his. props.
good editing.
who would nick name themselves Kush Face Toke?
@kingbeatsoz depends on what size ur going for. i got my 12 inch 6 tree percc for 95. its definitaly not the best quality glass or perc but it gets the job done. ur local smoke shop, head shop, or glass shop should have something ur looking for.
love to see cali stayin up on the shatter (hammond) .
those dabbers are sick, nice idea toph with the pendant.
Hey guys, im looking to buy my first bong, could you recommend a bong thats good and effective that under $100.00? would be much appreciated
@yelleryams a dabber is the utensil used to pick up a hit or "dab" of concentrate.
i wouldn't get that torch so close to that macbook pro
can some one tell me what a dabber is yes im a noob
your torches sound super quiet man! what kind are they? my torch is pretty loud and its super annoying for my room mates to hear that shit going off every few minutes
Where could i grab one of these online?? Soooo Dooooppe!
@TheCCC420 hell yeah appreciate guys, just ordered mine last night. Had to get one after my buddy broke my sherbet dabber. Jesse is a real nice guy, hit him up!
Nerds! Pocket protectors
where do i get it??????????
@jon785 Glad you're enjoying it!! <3
where can i get one of those hats? whats the website?
Jesse James TV mechanic?