27 Commentaires

  1. I think you are a good person and a good doctor as well…many of us have regrets similar to yours, we did not say anything in questionable situations . I remember some of these and I do not understand why I didn’t’ react. Today I’m pretty sure my reaction would not be the same…

  2. My son in law is a vet surgeon in a veterinary hospital here in England. He graduated from Edinburgh university twenty years ago. The vet hospital he works at is owned by a massive American company and his salary is what he gets paid, nothing else. He has hundreds of loyal customers. This guys a quack, getting paid by alternative medicine quacks for endorsing their unproven ‘drugs’.

  3. 😱 I seriously had no idea they use to do that! So disturbing just like what you mentioned how factory animals are treated on all levels is so disgusting. I wish more people knew about that. Factory farming needs to change! Those Vets for the factory farms probably get paid more than a vet in the animal clinics. I can hear in your voice that moment in your life still affects you! You are definitely one of a kind in your field!

  4. This is one of the may reasons I WILL NOT benefit from pharmaceutical companies profits or invest in any companies benefiting from the military industrial complex. I refuse to benefit from torture.

  5. You are a very good person Andrew !! we all learn from experiences we were a wee bit ignorant of at the time of it happening, or we thought it was the only way at the time … we learn later with the new wisdom garnished from that experience, and now way more wiser for it …. ITS LIFE !! LEAVING THE PAST WHERE IT BELONGS .. PENDING DELETION OF THE LESSONS WELL AND TRULY LEARNED, NOW NO LONGER NEEDED 🙂

  6. You are a rare doctor. Animal suffering may end since governments want to end beef farming. In Holland there is a company producing 500 tons of beef per month with 3D printers, Redefine Meat. In Germany there are 110 restaurants offering this crap. I guess we will save the planet by getting rid of cow farts.

  7. We all have regrets…it’s how we deal with them and then move forward that counts. You have chosen the better path..and animals around the world are the recipients of your dedication and compassion…you are their hero..🫶.

  8. I didn’t hear anything he said after he told us what happened to those dogs at his vet school. Tears, and even though I know it was hard for him to tell us that, his truth and visible sadness is exactly how a horrible thing like that gets stopped and changed.

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