20 Commentaires

  1. You can’t diagnose and treat an animal or do a surgical procedure unless you are a qualified veterinarian because there are laws, it’s fine on a Stuffed Animal though. 😀

  2. ***@Dr. Andrew I have a 4 yr old Great Pyrenees that totally ripped her back Declan gone. It's very sore to pressure walk on paw. She hops like a rabbit. I cleaned and gauze wrapped toe than wrapped around the both declassified to stop movement of torn claw. I've put anti bacterial ointment on gauze before wrapping it. Should I be doing anything else?

  3. 🤕 Putting homeopathic Silicea/Silica 30ch in drinking water (non-metallic bowl) works as a Great expectorant! If your pet fights you too much use this remedy. 👍 you can also use Hydrastis Canadensis 30ch (Golden Seal) with it which works like an antibiotic. Ledum 30ch is specific for puncture wounds and can be added to water also.

  4. Well! I had to laff imagining any cat lying still for that! I guess some do; not the ones I've known. SO…wouldn't the area be painful? Who's going to put their full body overhead cats claws and teeth? Shaving and scrubbing the area vigorously? A scalpel? Yikes!
    Love your posts. Admire your stand. I know that's been a hard row to hoe. Your advice was perfect and right. What about the holding them down part? Hmm m?
    You and the vet I worked for…..The Best! 😊

  5. Hi, can someone clarify this for me regarding ivermectin, how many tablets per day? How many tablets are there in total, please, how many days should you take them, and what is the safe period to stop taking them?

  6. Please help a youtuber named MrSunshineBaby.
    His 6 year old husky(?) was diagnosed with cancer. …. The cancer is still there after treatments.
    What can he do? They want him to put the dog down.
    Please HELP.

  7. I have to say, if it wasn't for you I would not have treated my cat {who had an abscess} at home. It was a large hole in his abdomen and nasty. My tenant had a cat that was attacked and spent close to a thousand dollars at the vet. To this day you would never know my cat even had a wound. So grateful for you.

  8. Can you buy chlorhexidine without a prescription?
    Most abscesses really 2:08 hurt bad, so careful when trying to treat your cat at home. Most abscesses stink like crazy too. It usually smells really really bad. Sometimes I used a warm compress like a washcloth several times a day or even something like a thick bounty paper towel but not too hot!

  9. Dr Jones,
    You are going to heaven.
    Would you be able to do a video on the concept and Research/evidence Of antibiotic- resistance?’
    I have an older dog who has lymphoma and unfortunately a UTI (e.coli) at the same time…
    I’ve always treated her naturally, but this time I feel that her immune system needs some help.
    I’m concerned about over-doing the antibiotics but I’m also concerned about anti-biotic resistance….
    Do you Have any advice??

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