37 Commentaires

  1. Dr. Jones… you need to use THCA or THC (preferably with THCV or Varin). CBD doesn't induce an apoptotic effect in cancer tumors. I realize that you're risking your license…. but you either kill cancer cells or you kill your dog. You also need to increase his pH to an Alkaline level (7.2-7.4). You can do this with minerals from fossilized Coral or Baking Soda. His pH is likely 5.7-5.9 which is too acidic. Cancer only survives in an acidic environment. Please… go back to the basics (strong small doses of THC or THCA (preferably with Varin). The Curcumin is all over your hands in this video… and it doesn't help his pH.

  2. My dogs just diagnosed melanoma cancer so sad he start chemo today dnt know can help. If cannot I want panacur c 😢 couse I suggest to vet but he depend on my health he got kidney infection

  3. My 12 yo Dachshund had Splenectomy 35 hrs. ago for tumors on spleen and liver is thick.Bx.s done and praying not the Mentioned CBD,curcumin, mushrooms to vet and wouldnt even entertain.?Not doing chemo so what will it hurt?So depressed about it.

  4. I need help! My little poodle age 10 now, just found a soft tumor growing under his tongue. I neee advice, what should I do now? Go to the vet or give this remedy? Please, please, please help me!

  5. Tincture isn't gonna due shit except maybe make him able to sleep better but ib profine if a dog has cancer in my world you put the dog down and spending thousands is not ok its pathetic that people that have less money need to suffer do to vets trying to make a dollar becouse you are venerable.

  6. Just had to put my malamute down at 7 years old he got cancer and he got in about 6 month a tumor that grew to the size of a watermelon I just had to put him down to let me know it was cancer putting him down and cremation fee it was 700 bucks and becouse I was unable to afford thousands for a surgery they had no problem not treating charging me and taking advantage of my sadness. I'm 39 and have had dogs my whole life but I will never have a animal that I can't put down myself do to vets overcharging and lying for money they are all going to hell for taking advantage .

  7. Hello I had my dog to the vet last week. They told me she might have bronchitis and some arthritis gave me some medicine and charged me a ton of money and sent me on my way. A week later I took her back because i found a lump on
    Her and they tell
    Me I should put her to sleep and she’s full of cancer but didn’t do any x rays or blood work. I took her home with me. She is still eating and drinking and is happy to go for drives and walks still. Should a vet be allowed to tell a person this without doing tests ??? I need some help making this tough decision on what to do with my best pal in the world??

  8. Hi Dr Jones. I have been following you for almost 2 years I think. I searched for you when our Kevin (rescued Pitbull Terrier) was diagnosed with stage 4 or late stage lung cancer. He was so bad off that we were carrying him because he was so weak and would not eat. We took him to 3 specialists and were told we could throw the book at it in treatments and he might have another 4 to 6 months or we could do nothing and he would be gone in less than a month. We chose to go with 10 mg daily dose of prednisone because it had the slight possibility to shrink the tumors and it would probably give him his appetite back. Then I came home and searched and this video popped up. We ordered all of the supplements you recommend here to get delivered overnight. I gave him his first dose of prednisone and of course in 30 minutes he was up and hungry. I also switched his food to real food that needs refrigerated. He ate and had all of the supplements and has continued to thrive and get better. We walk 1 to 3 miles a day depending on how hot it is. Our regular Vet just did blood work and he has high levels of alkaline so she recommended cutting his prednisone to 10mg every other day to see how he does. She does know about his supplements, also. That was 3 weeks ago and so far he is doing great. He just celebrated his 20 month ReBirthday after the initial lung cancer diagnosis. We are so grateful to you for this info. Our country Vet I believe is pretty amazed with how well Kevin is doing. If I could ask a question, is it correct to leave him on all of these supplements? We do not want to rock the boat as it were so we thought to just continue on how we have been. Thank you, again, for this life saving information. Best Blessings!

  9. Hello I just came across your channel . I have a large 10 yr female pit/rottie mix whose 100lbs. She has currently had a change in bark it’s raspy and seems that she struggling to breathe . How can I help her natural as the vet way I can’t afford and feel so helpless . I don’t want her to suffer??!

  10. Our 11 yeard old Australian Shepherd is coughing blood specks and has lung tumours and they put him on cortisone and pain killers. It's been 3 week now. What can I give him that's natural please? Hes on dried food.

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