If your dog is ever has seizures try pressing this acupressure point to quickly stop the seizure. Share this video and subscribe (it’s … Check on YouTube
We eliminated fleas and ticks by treating our yard with insecticide that lasts six months Bayer Advance. Never see a flea or tick and we live in the south.
Should be using something natural anyways So many dogs are dying and getting really sick over the Flea and tick medications they’re deadly I see so many poor little doggies get sick and even die over this go natural find the natural cure
dr. Jones, one of the people posting here said pyrethin is highly toxic to cats and it says it on the label too she said. What about that?? Dr Jones please address that. I trust you in many ways because I know you've done research but the fact that this lady saw it that was highly toxic, would you please just explain that a little bit more??? thank you so much 😿🐈
Many moons ago when all we had were Hartz flea collars that didn’t work my dog was infested. Vet told us to wash her with Denorex. The shampoo stunned the fleas and many washed away. I saw a couple fleas in the tub and was going to finish grooming my dog then clean up. When I returned to the tub they had woken up and left. It’s a good start anyway and helped tremendously
I felt alarmed to see this recommendation for pyrethrin since it is known to be highly toxic to cats. Confused here, and pyrethrin is labelled against use in felines.
If I remember correctly, brewer's yeast tablets work too. My Mother use to feed our dog during summer months to deter fleas. Our dog ate them like a treat.
Can I ask if these recommendations work for ticks too?
Ty for all your info once again 😊🐾
This man is a national treasure
We eliminated fleas and ticks by treating our yard with insecticide that lasts six months Bayer Advance. Never see a flea or tick and we live in the south.
Pyrethin is toxic to cats though
Should be using something natural anyways So many dogs are dying and getting really sick over the Flea and tick medications they’re deadly I see so many poor little doggies get sick and even die over this go natural find the natural cure
Great information
just for a shampoo- dawn – gets rid of fleas ( not the eggs ).. works on tiny kittens too ..
dr. Jones, one of the people posting here said pyrethin is highly toxic to cats and it says it on the label too she said. What about that?? Dr Jones please address that. I trust you in many ways because I know you've done research but the fact that this lady saw it that was highly toxic, would you please just explain that a little bit more??? thank you so much 😿🐈
Original Dawn dish soap bath will kill them. Leave it on a little while so it will kill all of them. Rinse well so dog’s skin doesn’t dry out.
Many moons ago when all we had were Hartz flea collars that didn’t work my dog was infested. Vet told us to wash her with Denorex. The shampoo stunned the fleas and many washed away. I saw a couple fleas in the tub and was going to finish grooming my dog then clean up. When I returned to the tub they had woken up and left. It’s a good start anyway and helped tremendously
I felt alarmed to see this recommendation for pyrethrin since it is known to be highly toxic to cats. Confused here, and pyrethrin is labelled against use in felines.
can i spray pyrethrum in house and in yard
Excellent information. Bless you.
I didn't know that chrysanthemums produced a natural insecticide! Good to know! My Shih Tzu says thank you! 🙂
If I remember correctly, brewer's yeast tablets work too. My Mother use to feed our dog during summer months to deter fleas. Our dog ate them like a treat.
Diatomaceous Earth works.
Thank you. What about using diatomaceous earth first, then do the shampoo?
Muchas gracias! ❤️
thank you 👍
Thank you 😊❤️