If your dog’s eyes have mucus discharge, then you can help them at home with some of Dr … Check on YouTube
35 Commentaires
Murray is adorable and so are you Dr. Jones. I'm pretty sure that's what my Mookat is suffering she chews sideways and h doesn't eat as much as she normally does. I'm goin to try your remedies. We just lost aoour other 13 year old cat.and this one promptly started having difficulty. we are not sure if any of this (the loss of the other cat, aka K.c. Kisses) is a part of it.MooKat is laying around like never before. She was always active.We took her to a local vet and paid $100 only to hear the Dr.lol say "oh my cat coughs" too. Then the Dr. said the cat has tartar and some discoloration on her teeth".We showed that vet.a video of her coughing. If she jumps down or gets picked up she goes into a coughing fit. We got hairball remedy from them and she acted weird, like disoriented, after taking it. If you read this and can suggest anything I'd see it in my email.thanks for posting such beneficial videos.
Hi Dr Andrew, I did use CSilver on my mcoon male cat Mpompos for two weeks and It seems that its slowly working.Please tell me when can I use it again?How often to repeat?Is it ok to support him with propolis as well?lThank u for your help!👍
Hi my 10 lb cat has been in Renal failure for a few years now, she will be 19 in July. she has a small bump below her eye and the vet said it’s possible from a tooth infection in the back of her mouth. The Vet prescribed PIVETAL CLINDA – GUARD drops. I was about to give it 1 ML to my cat when I decided to read the insert and it states patients with very severe renal disease and or very severe hepatic disease accompanied by severe metabolic aberrations should be used with caution and serum clindamycin levels monitored during high dose therapy. I am going to hold off but I’m afraid if I call my vet and relay what i read he will be offended. The vet said he wasn’t sure if it was from a tooth infection or maybe just a tumor because of her age. Now I don’t know what to do. I usually see this other vet in the same practice who issues holistic medicine but he was out today. i’m not sure what metabolic aberrations means even when I googled it I still don’t know what it means. Thank you
Hi can you do a video on salmonella poisoning in cats..Symptoms and what to do or when to see a vet. My cat sometimes bites a lizard and gets sick and normally gets fever..this time he got fever and was vomiting..
Greetings from Windsor, ON ! It's important to me to see a vet , like you , who is as loving/affectionate with his/her family pets as I am ! I am grateful to have found your channel. With 7 -now senior – felines in my life( 5 of them rescues as kittens) I’m learning so much from you,.I am making my way though your “cat” -alogue of uploads. Recently, my first cat Mingxer 17 yrs , has been diagnosed with some form of mouth cancer – growth under his tongue. Such a punch to the heart, feelings of guilt that I, as his guardian, did something wrong… and now how to best comfort and care for him. Its like you’ve been reading my mind from feeding with home made cooked food – with 7 buddies…$$$ to buy . I’ve taken notes on your recommendations and will check out your CBD and various products you offer to help me help my fur family! I passed your channel along to my animal guardian friends and family as well – spreading the helpful info!. PS really liked the helpful nail clipping video!
I had to have all my cat’s teeth except the front ones extracted as it got so bad his mouth was just covered in mucus… ive been giving my cat who is 5kgs abscorbic vitamin c in powder form, 0. 3 to 0.5ml, mixed with water, syringe feeding it to him for almost 1.5 years now and he is doing great, i think the direct absorption through the mouth is more effective than him gulping it down in capsule format. I also give him b12 complex vitamins and milk thiste every two days in pill format. I dont give him kibble, just boil him chicken breast without adding anything. I honestly think pure abscorbic vitamin c is a miracle cure for almost anything, we gave it to my deceased cat who had urinary tract problems, just a pinch of it in his wet food everyday and the problem just disappeared.
What about iodine at 1% or 0.45%._ Used for people aa a throat spray or gargle. Brand name is Betadine? Comes in 10% solution, dilute 9 parts distilled water to 1 part iodine = 1%. I use it for ear, nasal swab, throat and it has been used for eye surgery. Not sure about the use of iodine drop or two in a cats mouth. Need to check out its tolerance.
The C Silver is great for healing any type of infectious health disorder. I have purchased a generator and now make my own for a few cents on the dollar. It’s very expensive if you buy it on the market. Sovereign Silver is an excellent product.
i tried everything for over a year and nothing worked. I had to puree the food due to pain. She lost so much weight and was getting violent from pain. I had to get all the teeth taken out to save her and as much as i didn’t want to do it im glad i did as now 2 years later she is back to her normal self.
Does this work on a chihuahua dog with a teeth disease like the cat in the video and he has also a heart disease that I treat now with both Vetmedin and the supplements that you recommend. 🙂 Thank you a thousunds of times for all these free videos and help you give, I cried of thankfulness when I saw how I could help my dog. Love you soo much!! Forever thankful to you! 🤗🙏🏻🌈💖☀️
I use MSM cream (put it on their ears), colloidal silver, and vitamin D in their food which helps. But as soon as I stop using them, the infection comes back in a week. Thank you for this video as it tells me what is going on with my cat. I will try the coconut oil and licorice root. And the CBD oil. Blessings.
Hey Doc, gotta strange request for you, if you are interested that is. I would like to talk to you about bird flu. Give me a mark or a like and we can go from there. How about if I think I stumbled on the cure for them?
Dr. Jones, will you please offer me some direction for my dog? She was diagnose with TWO torn CCL's and mild hip dysplasia. She is currently in week 6 out of 8 of bed rest and has had SEVERE muscle atrophy for the past month. She cannot use her rear leg muscles AT ALL and the muscles are hanging off her bones like loose skin. When I take her out to go potty, she drags herself around. I've been doing massage, red light therapy and range of motion exercises several times per day in hopes of triggering ANY slight muscle activity, with ZERO success. It's as if her legs are paralyzed. I'm supposed to start working her slowly back into some activity here in a couple weeks and I don't see how this is possible if I can't even get her leg muscles to so much as twitch. Is this reversible or is the atrophy too far along? I'm a little in over my head here and, I'm REALLY hoping you can help me. Her vet and I had a falling out, because she wanted me to get her the TPLO surgeries, which I could not afford and she is not open to any sort of alternate hollistic treatments.
I don't use tap water, fresh spring water from source w/couple drops of sodium chlorite water per quart. I leave a bowl of coconut oil sit around for them to lick, diatomaceous earth in the food/sprinkle it on them occaisionally, perfectly healthy, Peac3!
My cat hobo has a mouth disease he has to take pills the vet told me to have all his teeth remove but she said he still could have it so spend over. 1000 dollars and he still would have so I said no so he is on the pills for life
Nanoparticle colloidal silver can work really well, and bovine lactoferrin is another natural option. A 1996 study showed lactoferrin to be helpful as an oral supplement and as a topical treatment. It was a small study, but the results were impressive.
"Oral administration of bovine lactoferrin for treatment of intractable stomatitis in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-positive and FIV-negative cats"
<<Abstract Objective: To study the effects of oral administration of bovine lactoferrin (LF) on intractable stomatitis in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-positive and FIV-negative cats, and phagocytosis of neutrophils in healthy and ill cats, simultaneously.
Animals: 7 ill cats with diagnosis of intractable stomatitis (4 FIV positive and 3 FIV negative) and 7 healthy, FIV-negative cats.
Procedure: LF (40 mg/kg ot body weight) was applied topically to the oral mucosa of cats with intractable stomatitis daily for 14 days and improvement of clinical signs of disease (pain-related response, salivation, appetite, and oral inflammation), expressed by scoring from 1 to 4, were evaluated. Assay of neutrophil phagocytosis was examined before and 2 weeks after starting LF treatment, using nonopsonized hydrophilic polymer particles (2 microns).
Results: Oral administration of LF improved intractable stomatitis in all 4 respects. Phagocytic activity of neutrophils increased after LF treatment. This effect was observed in healthy and ill (FIV positive and FIV negative) cats.
Conclusion and clinical relevance: Oral administration of LF improved intractable stomatitis and concurrently enhanced the host defense system. Topical application of LF to oral mucous membrane is useful as a treatment for intractable stomatitis even in FIV-positive cats.>>
Love colloidal silver & coconut oil. The licorice root is typically contraindicated with kidney issues which a lot of cats suffer due to processed dry kibble. Could you still use licorice root for the 14 days without causing more issues with kidneys?
Murray is adorable and so are you Dr. Jones. I'm pretty sure that's what my Mookat is suffering she chews sideways and h doesn't eat as much as she normally does. I'm goin to try your remedies. We just lost aoour other 13 year old cat.and this one promptly started having difficulty. we are not sure if any of this (the loss of the other cat, aka K.c. Kisses) is a part of it.MooKat is laying around like never before. She was always active.We took her to a local vet and paid $100 only to hear the Dr.lol say "oh my cat coughs" too. Then the Dr. said the cat has tartar and some discoloration on her teeth".We showed that vet.a video of her coughing. If she jumps down or gets picked up she goes into a coughing fit. We got hairball remedy from them and she acted weird, like disoriented, after taking it. If you read this and can suggest anything I'd see it in my email.thanks for posting such beneficial videos.
I love you thank you , kitty's feeling/looking better already!!
Doc, I need help beating panleuk in my baby kitties. Any antiviral antibiotic herbals that might help? Colloidal silver? All weight around 1 lb.
Hey Dr Andrewww😃it is important to tell us how you use the CS.How often can somebody do the 2weeks therapy?
Hi Dr Andrew,
I did use CSilver on my mcoon male cat Mpompos for two weeks and It seems that its slowly working.Please tell me when can I use it again?How often to repeat?Is it ok to support him with propolis as well?lThank u for your help!👍
I just found your channel and I’m so thankful I did! Bless you! Appreciate what you do so much thank you
Hi my 10 lb cat has been in Renal failure for a few years now, she will be 19 in July. she has a small bump below her eye and the vet said it’s possible from a tooth infection in the back of her mouth. The Vet prescribed PIVETAL CLINDA – GUARD drops. I was about to give it 1 ML to my cat when I decided to read the insert and it states patients with very severe renal disease and or very severe hepatic disease accompanied by severe metabolic aberrations should be used with caution and serum clindamycin levels monitored during high dose therapy. I am going to hold off but I’m afraid if I call my vet and relay what i read he will be offended. The vet said he wasn’t sure if it was from a tooth infection or maybe just a tumor because of her age. Now I don’t know what to do. I usually see this other vet in the same practice who issues holistic medicine but he was out today. i’m not sure what metabolic aberrations means even when I googled it I still don’t know what it means. Thank you
Hi can you do a video on salmonella poisoning in cats..Symptoms and what to do or when to see a vet. My cat sometimes bites a lizard and gets sick and normally gets fever..this time he got fever and was vomiting..
Greetings from Windsor, ON ! It's important to me to see a vet , like you , who is as loving/affectionate with his/her family pets as I am ! I am grateful to have found your channel. With 7 -now senior – felines in my life( 5 of them rescues as kittens) I’m learning so much from you,.I am making my way though your “cat” -alogue of uploads. Recently, my first cat Mingxer 17 yrs , has been diagnosed with some form of mouth cancer – growth under his tongue. Such a punch to the heart, feelings of guilt that I, as his guardian, did something wrong… and now how to best comfort and care for him. Its like you’ve been reading my mind from feeding with home made cooked food – with 7 buddies…$$$ to buy . I’ve taken notes on your recommendations and will check out your CBD and various products you offer to help me help my fur family! I passed your channel along to my animal guardian friends and family as well – spreading the helpful info!. PS really liked the helpful nail clipping video!
I had to have all my cat’s teeth except the front ones extracted as it got so bad his mouth was just covered in mucus… ive been giving my cat who is 5kgs abscorbic vitamin c in powder form, 0. 3 to 0.5ml, mixed with water, syringe feeding it to him for almost 1.5 years now and he is doing great, i think the direct absorption through the mouth is more effective than him gulping it down in capsule format. I also give him b12 complex vitamins and milk thiste every two days in pill format. I dont give him kibble, just boil him chicken breast without adding anything. I honestly think pure abscorbic vitamin c is a miracle cure for almost anything, we gave it to my deceased cat who had urinary tract problems, just a pinch of it in his wet food everyday and the problem just disappeared.
I thank Doctor Odion on YouTube for curing me permanently from HPV 1 and 2 with the help of his herbal remedies https://youtube.com/channel/UCLJPudFNpftjjnmFkkPGt7g
What about iodine at 1% or 0.45%._ Used for people aa a throat spray or gargle. Brand name is Betadine? Comes in 10% solution, dilute 9 parts distilled water to 1 part iodine = 1%. I use it for ear, nasal swab, throat and it has been used for eye surgery. Not sure about the use of iodine drop or two in a cats mouth. Need to check out its tolerance.
Cats dont seem to like sprays of any kind. The psssst sound is a bit startling
The C Silver is great for healing any type of infectious health disorder. I have purchased a generator and now make my own for a few cents on the dollar. It’s very expensive if you buy it on the market. Sovereign Silver is an excellent product.
I hope you and your family are doing well sir. You are such a sweet soul.
i tried everything for over a year and nothing worked. I had to puree the food due to pain. She lost so much weight and was getting violent from pain. I had to get all the teeth taken out to save her and as much as i didn’t want to do it im glad i did as now 2 years later she is back to her normal self.
Does this work on a chihuahua dog with a teeth disease like the cat in the video and he has also a heart disease that I treat now with both Vetmedin and the supplements that you recommend. 🙂 Thank you a thousunds of times for all these free videos and help you give, I cried of thankfulness when I saw how I could help my dog. Love you soo much!! Forever thankful to you! 🤗🙏🏻🌈💖☀️
I use MSM cream (put it on their ears), colloidal silver, and vitamin D in their food which helps. But as soon as I stop using them, the infection comes back in a week. Thank you for this video as it tells me what is going on with my cat. I will try the coconut oil and licorice root. And the CBD oil. Blessings.
one of my cat died because of this
Hey Doc, gotta strange request for you, if you are interested that is. I would like to talk to you about bird flu. Give me a mark or a like and we can go from there. How about if I think I stumbled on the cure for them?
Murray is like what’s he up to now with the third treatment I think it’s his turn now! Poor Murray the sweetest . How about a treat?
My cat had all his teeth extracted 3 months ago but still has terrible pain. He lives on Gabapentin. What this can be?
Dr. Jones, will you please offer me some direction for my dog? She was diagnose with TWO torn CCL's and mild hip dysplasia. She is currently in week 6 out of 8 of bed rest and has had SEVERE muscle atrophy for the past month. She cannot use her rear leg muscles AT ALL and the muscles are hanging off her bones like loose skin. When I take her out to go potty, she drags herself around. I've been doing massage, red light therapy and range of motion exercises several times per day in hopes of triggering ANY slight muscle activity, with ZERO success. It's as if her legs are paralyzed. I'm supposed to start working her slowly back into some activity here in a couple weeks and I don't see how this is possible if I can't even get her leg muscles to so much as twitch. Is this reversible or is the atrophy too far along? I'm a little in over my head here and, I'm REALLY hoping you can help me. Her vet and I had a falling out, because she wanted me to get her the TPLO surgeries, which I could not afford and she is not open to any sort of alternate hollistic treatments.
I can't believe Murray didn't run off after having his mouth poked at!
I don't use tap water, fresh spring water from source w/couple drops of sodium chlorite water per quart. I leave a bowl of coconut oil sit around for them to lick, diatomaceous earth in the food/sprinkle it on them occaisionally, perfectly healthy, Peac3!
Murray was having a pretty good day today. 😸
My cat hobo has a mouth disease he has to take pills the vet told me to have all his teeth remove but she said he still could have it so spend over. 1000 dollars and he still would have so I said no so he is on the pills for life
Murray was such a good and patient prop.Didn't even run away.
Nanoparticle colloidal silver can work really well, and bovine lactoferrin is another natural option. A 1996 study showed lactoferrin to be helpful as an oral supplement and as a topical treatment. It was a small study, but the results were impressive.
"Oral administration of bovine lactoferrin for treatment of intractable stomatitis in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-positive and FIV-negative cats"
Objective: To study the effects of oral administration of bovine lactoferrin (LF) on intractable stomatitis in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-positive and FIV-negative cats, and phagocytosis of neutrophils in healthy and ill cats, simultaneously.
Animals: 7 ill cats with diagnosis of intractable stomatitis (4 FIV positive and 3 FIV negative) and 7 healthy, FIV-negative cats.
Procedure: LF (40 mg/kg ot body weight) was applied topically to the oral mucosa of cats with intractable stomatitis daily for 14 days and improvement of clinical signs of disease (pain-related response, salivation, appetite, and oral inflammation), expressed by scoring from 1 to 4, were evaluated. Assay of neutrophil phagocytosis was examined before and 2 weeks after starting LF treatment, using nonopsonized hydrophilic polymer particles (2 microns).
Results: Oral administration of LF improved intractable stomatitis in all 4 respects. Phagocytic activity of neutrophils increased after LF treatment. This effect was observed in healthy and ill (FIV positive and FIV negative) cats.
Conclusion and clinical relevance: Oral administration of LF improved intractable stomatitis and concurrently enhanced the host defense system. Topical application of LF to oral mucous membrane is useful as a treatment for intractable stomatitis even in FIV-positive cats.>>
Would this work for bartonella? I have 7 cats and they all have it.
Excellent vid
All these are great for humans too
Excellent! Sharing this one!
Thanks Dr. Andrew!😊(and Murray!❤)
Could you put it on your finger some cats don’t like spray!
Love colloidal silver & coconut oil. The licorice root is typically contraindicated with kidney issues which a lot of cats suffer due to processed dry kibble. Could you still use licorice root for the 14 days without causing more issues with kidneys?