28 Commentaires

  1. Weed is good! BUT THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS! 99% of the time the exact opposite is true what you hear in the mainstream fake news media…….wake up people. Its all natural what is happening and not man made. Study the Sun and its cycles what it goes through / sunspot activity…

  2. everyone who uses the phrase climate crises should be made to explain what they mean because there is no climate crises.
    theres a chemical crisis in our food , plastic leeches nonylphenols which sit in the body and mimic oestrogen, ok for females but not for males.. now 90% of what is made of plastic can be made of hemp

  3. Industrial hemp has been scientifically proven to absorb more CO2 per hectare than any forest or commercial crop and is therefore the ideal carbon sink. Hemp can capture atmospheric carbon twice as effectively as forests, according to Cambridge University researcher Darshil Shah.

  4. Make oil for trucks and things like that from the plant if gas can be made from corn why can’t gas be mad from the oil of a canna plant

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