39 Commentaires

  1. Old Glory, Hearty beef and chicken flavored produced by sunshine Mill inc is super bad for your dog, my case and many others are similar, dog is vomiting, upset stomach and diarrhea with Blood, few cases even said their dog died, as well as one woman said she took her dog to the vet and the vet said the food contained some type of poison and to never feed it to your dog again, I reached out to the company but of course they aren't answering so I may have to step it up a notch because it's not just about my case, its about it still be sold with so so many bad reviews

  2. Sunshine mills also had pet food recalls of some of these brands in 2018.
    Our house hold dogs will eat cooked corn or with butter or in a soup, I rarely feed corn because it is in so many dog food, but my roommate doesn't understand.
    I did go to an agricultural college, and she , a poor quality high school. It's hard to educate those that don't understand.

  3. I just found out about mycotoxins in grain-inclusive kibble yesterday, and I was just researching about it when I find this video….
    Speak of the devil much? Just a month ago…? (huge sigh)
    The more you look into processed pet food (ESPECIALLY KIBBLE), the more it disgusts you. Pet food is poison – literally! ):

  4. I just wonder how healthy dry cat food, which is full of corn, is for our cats, as well. This toxin is still a toxin, regardless of who eats it, I would think, even though a cat may not die from it. I have noticed that any time I give my cats Meow Mix, they get UTI's. My son said his cat had a UTI and I asked him if he fed it Meow Mix. He walked in the other room to check (his wife buys the food) and he said that was the food they were feeding. It could be a coincidence, but this has happened to me more than once. And I don't think it ends with that brand, as most dry cat food has that "yeasty" smell. Getting rid of all grains in pet food has to be a better choice.

  5. I just started finally making homemade dog food for my dog and I can't even believe how much it has affected the way his 💩 (poop) smells! It's almost odorless! It makes me wonder what has been in the store bought dogfood I have been feeding him for years?? It's pretty scary!

  6. As an Animal Nutritionist I have been strongly recommending feed mills to use toxin binders in the animal feed. I'd say toxin binder should be a necessary part of every animal food. Thank you so much for the useful information!

  7. The only part of corn we can process is the inner mozt part of the corn. Thats why your poop has specks of corn in it when you eat it as far as a dog food or animal food is concerned most pelletized grain foods consist of crushed corn to make it more digestible

  8. Really glad I switched my four dogs to a raw diet several weeks ago. It was really hard to find a good kibble and one of them started to have spraying liquid diarrhea. Poor girl. Her tummy was totally better two meals into the raw diet.

  9. If these ingredients aren't good for our Animals and it is a known fact..Why is it still being used to manufacture dog and cat foods..Benifical is what we feed our Dog..and Purina for our cats..going to look closely at the ingredients..

  10. THANK YOU ! ! ! Even though we do not feed our beagle any of those foods, I still want to thank you for your kind warning, that may save thousands of pets that might have suffered food poisoning. Anyone who has ever had it knows how terrible you feel when it happens to you. and I, like most folks, wouldn't want their beloved pet to suffer the same fate.

  11. It took me a long time and trial and error with my cats. One was allergic to chicken, and finding a brand without chicken was hard but I did it. But then it only mildly resolved the issue so I suspected that it was something else in the food and began looking for a food that didn't use a science experiment ingredient list.

    I landed finally, on Open Farm. 1000% healthy cats, happy cats, not overly expensive, convenience of dry food that they actually enjoy!

    It shouldn't be this difficult. But the big corporations have gotten away with cutting corners because there just weren't enough healthy convenient options.

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