26 Commentaires

  1. Sadly, my sweet Lily, a beautiful white spitz mix dog, died in 2013 at nearly 15 years of age. I left the country later that year and now live in an apartment in a large city in central Europe. It is a protection for my heart that my rental contract does not allow pets, as I still grieve over my Lily. But I often watch your videos and greatly appreciate them. I have forwarded a couple of your videos to my brother, because he and his wife have a few rescued retrievers and yellow labs, plus a cat. Only one time have I changed vets because I was unhappy with them. We have always managed to find good ones wherever we have lived. The last one was especially great. He was the one who told me dogs don’t need yearly rabies shots. That they could just test her blood once a year to make sure she still had immunity. Lily never got another rabies shot. The fact in that article they felt a need to mention you, one doctor, shows they feel threatened by what you say. That tells me all I need to know. You are a good apple, Dr Jones!🍎

  2. U are no bad apple Dr Jones u are the best natural health vet for my pets than a money makeing greedy lieing vets that has no time to explaine but want ur money they make me angry and my pets refuse so we havent been for years as we are happy following ur advice dr jones thankyou for giving us a more natural healthy no chemicals advice thankyou so very much

  3. You're a gem Doc. Saving many animals when their owners can't afford high vet costs or trying to help them in their last days, making them comfortable as possible because a vet wants to put them down before their time. We could wait until our boy was ready to go. Had we done it when our vet said to, it would have been a mess. Our vet was unwilling to help, so we found you and with your advice could help him with pain etc. He left in peace, safely in mama's arms. Thank you.

  4. I had a dog who I loved as much as life itself. I brought her to a new vet. The new vet told me to give her pills because she was itchy, I did. She was gone in less than a week. I blame myself because I listened to that vet. 12 yrs later still heartbroken. Wish I heard of you 12 yrs ago.💔 Also, if there are any real bad apples, it was this vet, who is thankfully no long a vet.

  5. Illegitimi non carborundum! The veterinary practice I have used for over 20 years has been sold to corporate interest. They have cut hours, no longer see after hours emergencies, and the longtime vet I loved has parted ways. Yet they still bombard me with emails touring their latest offerings. It is so sad. As my older pets have passed due to old age, I adopted others. They are not currently accepting new patients so they can't be seen. I keep my eyes open for vaccine clinics at the Tractor Supply, and use an emergency clinic over 60 miles away. We have one elderly (70s) vet that practices in the afternoons. He sees patients on a first come, first serve basis. The lines can be excruciating. I'm so grateful for him. A channel like yours is a lifeline.

  6. I need your help so bad Doc… I have a vet that just destroyed me with upselling. They are saying hes diabetic, but hes been worse ever since insulin. I dont know what to do. I live in Vancouver canada and its horrendous here when you aren't a billionaire.

  7. I don't trust NO VET with my pets. I only watch your videos👍💕👍💕😊💕.
    The one time I took my sick cat to the vet they almost killed him giving him the wrong med for the wrong illness. Never again!!

  8. Dr Jones you are a Good Apple 😇 I love your honesty and your love for animals ! You have helped me in ways you will never know , I just know my Boy is very happy and healthy from a lot of your remedies , Thank You for speaking out and telling the truth to all the crap and extra cost we don't need and most of all ! Are Fur baby's wellbeing ! Your a Hero in my eyes ! Im a big fan and I believe in you ❤️

  9. Seems like I'm always referring to something I heard you say. Today I ordered food grade diatomaceous earth because of your recommendation. We are dealing w/ fleas. The veterinarian's office suggested a spray to spray on the baseboards…then keep out of the room for 2 hours. This product only has to be used once to break the fleas cycle. Ok..then our pets & I would be breathing that stuff for who knows how long….evidently it's effective for months in order to interrupt the cycle of fleas. No, thanks!
    Thanks for safe alternatives to all sorts of things.

  10. You are my Fav!! Definately a Good Apple! You've saved me Thousands of dollars on unnecessary vaccines, poisons for pests, etc!

    I used Your recipe for dog food that's great for dogs with allergies and my Labradoodle is no longer throwing up in the mornings and is doing Great OFF the injected allergy med!

    You've Saved my wallet, and You've Probably saved my boy from a future of cancer (fingers crossed). So fret not the Loud haters!
    You are appreciated and beloved by Many!

  11. Your the really Good Apple! Too bad all those critical people are too blind to see that! Keep doing exactly what your doing you are definitely appreciated, especially here in the USA (Texas)!! 🙌🙌🇺🇸

  12. I have been in the surgery area of a local vet when I brought in a goat after hours. in the back they had a white board hanging up that listed diagnostic tests with 2 columns ,one listing the price the test costs them, the other the price they charge for each test. I was flabbergasted at the prices, one said it cost them $17, what they charged for it was $159. I realize they need to make a profit but that's crazy.

  13. This happened to my GP, she was bullied by other doctors because she included alternative treatments. She had to leave, and now I've lost a good doctor. Seems a lot of industries have the same problems.

  14. You are a good Apple!! You have helped me and my little Havi, Moxie so much! Thank you! I do t know why I was so surprised to find the same politics in animal healthcare as with humans. So grateful for you!!

  15. Dr. Jones, have you already done a video on why you are no longer officially practicing vet medicine? I've been subbed to you for a few years now and I don't recall ever seeing such a video, but I've always been curious about your backstory in the field. Do you consider YouTube as your full time job now since leaving the field?

  16. well dr. jones some vets cheat you like every time i take my pets they HALF to have a wellness exam that alone is about 50.00 bucks everytime i go its like 150 or more every time i take them they make you do the wellness exam

  17. I totally agree with what you said in this video and the ABC one. I'm glad I found a vet that listens to what MY needs for MY PETS. I do my own dogs teeth cleaning. I start going thru the motions from day one of the dog being home so they get use to the process. I even trim my own dogs and cats nails. There was also another report about vets over vaccinating the animals.

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