26 Commentaires

  1. We just wanted to tell YOU how much we “SINCERELY APPRECIATE, ALL” of the INFORMATION that you post. Sending you many Thanks and Many Hugs & Blessings to You and Yours. 🥰 😇 😍

  2. You have changed my life my shitzu had bald flaky smelly skin scratching constant grumpy and I’ve been to vets poured money into there services which did nothing and then I find you diet I did ask you say gave it a try 6 weeks ago I have a dog who’s calmer happier full of fur no flaky smelly skin cells falling off onto my furniture you have changed my dog our lives our future why didn’t my vet tell me change diet instead nothing we can suggest I’m seeing my vet for yearly jab and I am taking my Harry in and I will be having words. U have guided me retrained my brain shown me stuff I never knew apple cider vinegar garlic liquice drops coconut oil salmon oil I’ve not stopped talking about you yr site I am so grateful to you there are no words thank you sir love Harry Shitzu and his mummy fran

  3. If ALL fails get squirt ivermecting once a day for two weeks. Whatever you do it must be every day for at least two weeks to kill the eggs that hatch every until the are all dead.

  4. castor oil works great on my dog. I also use it on me. I recently used it for a liver detox wrap under my right ribs for pain in my knees and back and it worked. There’s videos that show you how it works.

  5. This is why I don't like "shorts". How can you give treatment advice in a few seconds like this? My vet said NOT to pour oils into the ear canal – you could damage the eardrum. How to clean this stuff out of the ears, having put oils in? This short is totally inadequate for inexperienced people. This should be the subject of a FULL, DETAILED video.

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