41 Commentaires

  1. I have no intention of making fish and chips. I have a restaurant near by that makes them when ever I want them.
    I watched this video because Farideh is a goof! A good goof. I love watching her interact with the camera, the people in the background, all while engaging the viewers. I swear she needs her own YouTube Channel. It would be a riot.
    Way to rock the beanie and sweats. Not everyone could pull it off.

  2. Girl you're going to get me in trouble with sisilly I'm sixty take it easy on me I have jack Daniel's normally I drink miller high life! Lost my job because someone put in the suggestion box that I was smoking weed, when my plant manager asked me could I test positive, I told the truth but I wasn't smoking before or during,only after, he told me I was welcome back if I got a medical prescription,or if it became legalized, only I only smoked after work, love your shows!

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