44 Commentaires

  1. Some people whether it's for themselves or animals say to take it for 10 days then take 10 days off ,back and forth back and forth. Some folks say use it daily , any advice?

  2. DE works. I have always had multiple pets. I simply dip my Two fingers into a bit of de and gently ,slowly get the nape of the neck, then butt and spine trying not create a plume of dust. Wash their bedding etc and apply a bit in tneir bed. It is a game changer for ants as well. So e health food stores will carry food grade de, feed stores, hardware stores and pet stores. Thank you fortne excellent video.

  3. I just ordered it ..can't wait till it arrives…my yorkie has some bumps that turned black on his back…I didn't get to show the vet when he got his allergy needle..I'm a worried if there are fleas under his skin and I been looking for something more safe to put on him.he was treated for Lyme desease 2 months ago.thank you Dr Jones .all of your videos are so helpful and much appreciated ☺

  4. I started taking 2 tablespoons mixed with juice daily about 3 weeks prior to a knee replacement & it took about 2weeks & the pain was gone. Worked for me & Im sure this will work for my dog too! You’re the best! I appreciate you.

  5. we have had diotamaceous earth for years but never used it. We were always concerned about the lung breathing issue. We have an infestation now and our cats are miserable.. and I have been procrastinating about getting the toxic treatments and my partner and I work all the time. (We take care of a cat colony). I have started to do the bowl with dishwashing liquid and a light in the room with the cats. That is actually effective…. and I pulled all the bedding and put it in a plastic bag with diatomaceous earth and closed the bag up.. and started to shake it (DOn't do this). the garbage bag doesn't contain the aerosolized DE… so I just put the bag outside until we can run a load of wash Hopefully that will kill any eggs etc.. I am now trying an experiment of using Coconut oil on one of our shorthair cats. Hopefully we will get this situation under control here. What a mess.

  6. I know I'm late to this video, but I found it nonetheless. Does the DE only kill the adult fleas, or does it also kill the other life stages?

    Does anyone know how much, and how often I should add it to my dog's food? I have a year old German Shephard that is 75-85lbs (probably more, haven't weighed him in a minute, so I'm underestimating as a precaution

  7. Why do I see so much on the internet about how dangerous it is for topical on dogs but vets will sell and recommend the topical and internal chemicals that can cause seizures ( read the precautions on the box – I did and said no way ! ) Thank you for this video doc !!

  8. I bought diatomaceous Earth but it turned out not to be the food grade. Should I return it and get a food grade? It's the Safe brand diatomaceous earth and does come in a food grade. Help!

  9. Now days you can’t get medicine and other things unless your dog/cat has been seen by the vet or is up in their shots. It’s a conspiracy!!!!! I’m on Social Security, don’t have money for all that, I have 4 dogs. I live in a rural area, 8 miles south of town.
    My dogs have not had rabies shots in many years. There are no strange dogs that come around, the animals that do come around don’t have rabies. I’ve been in this location 20 years and have never heard of a rabies outbreak! Why give a dog/cat shots if they don’t need the protection?? Between the cost of an office visit now, $45, then the shots or medicine. I just can’t do all that. If there was an outbreak of something, rabies or otherwise, I would make sure they were protected, but otherwise…….no.

  10. I can attest to this Dr.! Thank you!
    When I lived in Seattle & then Eastern Wa State, I used this and Exactly what you said. It works!! That was many years ago. It also works for your garden, bugs, ants coming into the house!
    Also for internal parasites is what I've heard.
    All "FOOD GRADE" however!
    So, thank you for this video!
    I also reached out to you via Instagram and you responded back to me. Thank you so very much.
    I'm living up in Canada now… How about that?

  11. I’m so glad I came across this as a licensed breeder of small yorkies I decided to take the holistic route on flea and tick as well as vaccinations. I loss my very first yorkie in 2011 as a result from being over vaccinated and using frontline every since I stop using those products all 10 of my fur babies are living a very happy healthy and free of viruses and fleas and ticks life thanks .

    I also recommend my clients to subscribe

  12. Hey Doc: love your insight on holistic healing being a foster and rescue mommy of 8 furry babies; I was trying to receive your free book, but the link is not working.

    SOS please 🙏🏻

  13. I just used this on my Lizzie this week, after months of heartbreaking flea infestation. I tried everything! But this stuff worked! My girl is no longer in pain! Thank you so much, doc!

  14. I’ve been using diatomaceous earth for years! It’s great in chicken coops and the yard. Great dewormer as well! I’ve worked in the vet field for years. And it was always mind boggling how the Dr’s would push the chemicals. Then claim they are about holistic’s. I would on a down low recommend this. ESP for clients not being able to afford the expensive stuff. I mean cmon we are supposed to be helping pets, not pushing big pharma agenda profits. Same with over vaccinations. I’ve since left that field for many many reasons.

  15. Thanks Doc. You're looking healthy bud, full and color in your cheeks. I hope if you had anything going on that you're well. I can vouch for the diotomacious earth, my chickens love dust baths in it and bentonite clay, (they flip out when I set them out a fresh pan of it, fight over turns), and I brush my teeth with the same combo. ** I should note that I saturate it before brushing my teeth so it isn't air born.

  16. I appreciate your video on organic food grade Diatomaceous Earth. I use it regularly here. It's a little more challenging with a Sheltie with lots of hair but we're doing it. I also do the cats inside and the outdoor cats when they will let me. Most of the outdoor cats belong to a neighbor who doesn't care for them and they come into the garage to eat. I also sprinkle in on the garage floor and a line between my house and the neighbors to kill fleas and the neighbor's roaches that may venture over to the garage. In addition, I sprinkle some on the animals food monthly as it is a good de-wormer as well. If you have any thoughts on using it as a de-wormer I'd appreciate hearing too. Thanks for always sharing super helpful options

  17. Over here in India, there is a Company that makes Diatomaceous Earth Powder with some additives like Geraniol oil (?) And I have used this one my Golden Retriever and it works! But the thing about the diatomaceous earth is that its texture is kind of chalky and so after application the hair gets a little dry and also its smell on it's own without some nice essential oil or stuff on top of it is kind of weird like it feels little industrial 😅 but that said I'm not complaining. I am not using Fipronil at all!

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