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34 Commentaires
either change the strain or what i found even better was to take a break for awhile then hit it again.week and a half to two weeks,depending on who much you smoke or how potent the bud is,if you can go a month i would recommend that as tokin on some bud after that will have you trippin.i dont know about hard out exercise or mango but i do know about takin a break for a bit
Wow you all by into dumb shit that doesn't work. Fuck mango that is an urban legend does not work, you are dumb. The only thing that works is simply stopping for a while.
When my parents found out I smoked, they sent me to military school. It was the 70's, and they believed Reefer Madness was a documentary. Funny thing is, while there I was exposed to way worse things like coke, LSD, speed, and Valium. Kinda backfired, you might say. Anyhow, on to the method we used to get the most out of one hit. Compression hits. Squat down against a wall, take several deep breaths, then take your hit while slowly rising to standing up as you finish your hit. Then, while holding it in, a buddy leans against your chest and pushes. The rush will literally knock you out, and you come to not knowing where you are. Now that I think about it, I'm probably lucky to still be here.
I have pretty bad insomnia, so I change strains every night and come back to the strain after a few weeks or however long I can make it stretch. Even by the second night, the same strain doesn't have the same effect as the first. Changing up how you smoke (or whatever form) helps, too. I caution on using kief because your tolerance does increase. I've been putting off concentrates but even flower in the 40s isn't quite doing it right now.
I find deep breathing like Dragons Breath to really increase my buzz. Take a dozen deep breathes and then hold the last one as long as you can. The rush is intense !
I change strains. I seek bud by the best growers. In my area it's Good Chemistry they small batch selected phenotypes. Thc content is also a myth. I've had strains like LSD at 18% of Apricot Pie at 16%, Ice cream cake at 19% Cherry MAC Pie at 18% bang harder then any 34% bud. Seek the best genetics and look at what the main terps in your favorite buds are. It'll tell you buds you'll like without the name game. High thc bud looses out on terps, canninbinoids, flavanoids, sugars the plants chooses to only make the thc if you breed for high thc or use selected nutrients for high thc. Then you get anxiety and paranoia easily too
The first time I quit smoking weed for a month, when I started smoking again I indeed had a lower tolerance, BUT… I experienced gnarly anxiety and I had never experienced anxiety from smoking before then. I used to smoke brickweed back when I was a teenager and GOD only knows what pathogens and chems were in that Sativa but no anxiety. Nowadays Sativas are the most likely culprit to any anxiety I may suffer from. I'm trying to figure out which terpenes may be responsible for anxiety. Great video guys 👍
Use soy lecethin Use 2 oz of decarbed high thc flower to 3 sticks of butter for cannabutter recipe. Drop a fat spoonful into coffee and enjoy. Not for light weights^
And now your going too far. One should only ever indulge in cannabis or alcohol after work is completed for the day. When the childern are in bed or when your away from them with friends. Never hiding what you do from them, be honest and a reliable source of better judgment choices in life. As it is with this juncture, over indulge of any kind is not a healthy way to live. You must stay in pursuit of your dreams and keep your hands not idle but, ever upon the task of your own pursuit of perfection. Taking up a craft to become the master of such as a carrier or just as a hobby. Being sure that you put all that you are into everything you love doing, including growing. It is an art too after all and we must master the craft of both body and mind. So it is that we must reconcile the fact that what we take into our own bodies is no different than what we take into our minds. As if is with cannabis and we can easily see the correlation between substance and the unseen force of our conscious thought flow that we perceive to be our reality. Changing the tune of this harmonious and Symphony can have adverse effects on our bodies and minds. So why should the mind and how we chose to let desires for happiness and something more effect the way we live out our lives. Surely living each day getting as high as we can and as often as possible is not the example we really want for ourselves or our families. To live each day in a haze and fog with our minds slowed to a crawl. Thinking freely will never find you in that state if you even think at all In this manner and further past your most basic and carnal needs. Such as Food, sex, and even more ways to get high by combining other drugs and sex together with all of these things. Because the dope just doesn't do it anymore so let's see if we get high while doing it or do IT! Too ourselves? Wonder if that will make this high better. Shameful now as we look in the mirror at ourselves in not a mirror in reality but, our own graven image plastered in our minds at the moment we find ourselves at the lowest lows while trying to get high and even higher still…with our penis in hand while we weep with shame everlasting. Cannabis was put on earth NOT to bath ourselves daily in its ignorance of what reality truly is, or rather how dreadfully boring or sad our lives have become which is often the root cause for our own downfall. For our lives and ourselves are lot boring or sad. It is all a matter of perception and a frame of mind we place ourselves in. The dream which becomes the reality of ourselves and fixing our lives seems so far off and so hard to reach true love or true happiness and yet euphoria is only a puff away. That is until we over indulge and all the while weed was never a way to escape the world, but a window into a oneness with nature and a feast for our good health and a nap for our tired eyes so riddled with pains from such a hard pursuit at our dreams and our hobbies that we deserve this break from what state our lives is in right now weather good or bad. We know that we have earned this break and deserve one after all that crap, however we did not give up or give into any thoughts of failure or weakness of our own self worth. You truly are amazing and valuable to all the world which is glad you and so happy to be alive this day. Conducting one shelf in this manner will surely lead you into a better life when you seek not too have things happen as you would chose them? But, rather chose that things will happen as they do! By becoming a master of the cause rather, than a slave to the effects of anothers cause or greater…a victim of your own foolish choices.
Mango is a good idea and tasty. I took a month off from cannabis about a year ago. It was awesome I felt great and had better mental health actually. When I returned to smoking it felt like new and I was so slow moving lol
either change the strain or what i found even better was to take a break for awhile then hit it again.week and a half to two weeks,depending on who much you smoke or how potent the bud is,if you can go a month i would recommend that as tokin on some bud after that will have you trippin.i dont know about hard out exercise or mango but i do know about takin a break for a bit
Wow you all by into dumb shit that doesn't work. Fuck mango that is an urban legend does not work, you are dumb. The only thing that works is simply stopping for a while.
When my parents found out I smoked, they sent me to military school. It was the 70's, and they believed Reefer Madness was a documentary.
Funny thing is, while there I was exposed to way worse things like coke, LSD, speed, and Valium. Kinda backfired, you might say.
Anyhow, on to the method we used to get the most out of one hit.
Compression hits.
Squat down against a wall, take several deep breaths, then take your hit while slowly rising to standing up as you finish your hit. Then, while holding it in, a buddy leans against your chest and pushes.
The rush will literally knock you out, and you come to not knowing where you are.
Now that I think about it, I'm probably lucky to still be here.
Edibles at 600mg taken after a meal work good plus u hack out all the black goo off ur lungs if u quit smokin for a while.
Changing up your consumption technique can help, too. smoking, vaping (both kinds), dabbing, edibles.
I have pretty bad insomnia, so I change strains every night and come back to the strain after a few weeks or however long I can make it stretch. Even by the second night, the same strain doesn't have the same effect as the first. Changing up how you smoke (or whatever form) helps, too. I caution on using kief because your tolerance does increase. I've been putting off concentrates but even flower in the 40s isn't quite doing it right now.
Stay away from milk products, AND…
Don't getcher head wet!😳
I really like the idea of the Mango 🥭
It makes a lot of sense because myrcine is also one of the dominant terpenes found in cannabis! 👍💚🌿💯
Avoid cannabis for a "fortnight"? What the hell does that mean a night? 😂
Except for the Mango you didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.
Best tip for boosting your high, smoke weed then eat mushrooms !
BTW what the fuck is a fortnight?
This is 2022 isn't it?
Good to know! Thank you!
I find deep breathing like Dragons Breath to really increase my buzz. Take a dozen deep breathes and then hold the last one as long as you can. The rush is intense !
Bullshit 🤡
By having dabs and having gummies and infused chocolates and capsules
I change strains. I seek bud by the best growers. In my area it's Good Chemistry they small batch selected phenotypes. Thc content is also a myth. I've had strains like LSD at 18% of Apricot Pie at 16%, Ice cream cake at 19% Cherry MAC Pie at 18% bang harder then any 34% bud. Seek the best genetics and look at what the main terps in your favorite buds are. It'll tell you buds you'll like without the name game. High thc bud looses out on terps, canninbinoids, flavanoids, sugars the plants chooses to only make the thc if you breed for high thc or use selected nutrients for high thc. Then you get anxiety and paranoia easily too
The first time I quit smoking weed for a month, when I started smoking again I indeed had a lower tolerance, BUT… I experienced gnarly anxiety and I had never experienced anxiety from smoking before then. I used to smoke brickweed back when I was a teenager and GOD only knows what pathogens and chems were in that Sativa but no anxiety. Nowadays Sativas are the most likely culprit to any anxiety I may suffer from. I'm trying to figure out which terpenes may be responsible for anxiety. Great video guys 👍
Just get better weed. Pretty simple.
Liars, you never get it back.🤣🤣🤣
usually wait a little longer before my wake and bake and change strain
Use soy lecethin Use 2 oz of decarbed high thc flower to 3 sticks of butter for cannabutter recipe. Drop a fat spoonful into coffee and enjoy. Not for light weights^
Mango works very…VERY well! Had some of the strongest highs on mango
my tip is – smoking without tabaco (wich is kind of disturbingly unnormal in europe)
Now give us advice on how to quit smoking weed for those 2-4 weeks easily. I can't do it. Lol
I mixed a bit of 2 different strains and whoo what a hit…
I work out hard 5 to 6 days, and I only smoke out of a water bong, so I stay fucked up lol but I do smoke different stuff multiple times a day.
Smoke joints of multiple strains only 1/2 to 2/3. Then blend the very big roaches to maximize the different terpenes in the blend.
And now your going too far. One should only ever indulge in cannabis or alcohol after work is completed for the day. When the childern are in bed or when your away from them with friends. Never hiding what you do from them, be honest and a reliable source of better judgment choices in life.
As it is with this juncture, over indulge of any kind is not a healthy way to live. You must stay in pursuit of your dreams and keep your hands not idle but, ever upon the task of your own pursuit of perfection. Taking up a craft to become the master of such as a carrier or just as a hobby. Being sure that you put all that you are into everything you love doing, including growing. It is an art too after all and we must master the craft of both body and mind. So it is that we must reconcile the fact that what we take into our own bodies is no different than what we take into our minds. As if is with cannabis and we can easily see the correlation between substance and the unseen force of our conscious thought flow that we perceive to be our reality. Changing the tune of this harmonious and Symphony can have adverse effects on our bodies and minds. So why should the mind and how we chose to let desires for happiness and something more effect the way we live out our lives.
Surely living each day getting as high as we can and as often as possible is not the example we really want for ourselves or our families. To live each day in a haze and fog with our minds slowed to a crawl. Thinking freely will never find you in that state if you even think at all In this manner and further past your most basic and carnal needs. Such as Food, sex, and even more ways to get high by combining other drugs and sex together with all of these things. Because the dope just doesn't do it anymore so let's see if we get high while doing it or do IT! Too ourselves? Wonder if that will make this high better.
Shameful now as we look in the mirror at ourselves in not a mirror in reality but, our own graven image plastered in our minds at the moment we find ourselves at the lowest lows while trying to get high and even higher still…with our penis in hand while we weep with shame everlasting.
Cannabis was put on earth NOT to bath ourselves daily in its ignorance of what reality truly is, or rather how dreadfully boring or sad our lives have become which is often the root cause for our own downfall. For our lives and ourselves are lot boring or sad. It is all a matter of perception and a frame of mind we place ourselves in. The dream which becomes the reality of ourselves and fixing our lives seems so far off and so hard to reach true love or true happiness and yet euphoria is only a puff away. That is until we over indulge and all the while weed was never a way to escape the world, but a window into a oneness with nature and a feast for our good health and a nap for our tired eyes so riddled with pains from such a hard pursuit at our dreams and our hobbies that we deserve this break from what state our lives is in right now weather good or bad. We know that we have earned this break and deserve one after all that crap, however we did not give up or give into any thoughts of failure or weakness of our own self worth. You truly are amazing and valuable to all the world which is glad you and so happy to be alive this day.
Conducting one shelf in this manner will surely lead you into a better life when you seek not too have things happen as you would chose them? But, rather chose that things will happen as they do! By becoming a master of the cause rather, than a slave to the effects of anothers cause or greater…a victim of your own foolish choices.
Dried mango is my favourite snack so I’m good on that front.
This was fun. 😅
Smoke more mango 🥭 eat more Ganj
I really love this tips, thanks!
small breaks and a change from smoking to a soft drink then back helps me.
Mango is a good idea and tasty. I took a month off from cannabis about a year ago. It was awesome I felt great and had better mental health actually. When I returned to smoking it felt like new and I was so slow moving lol