Visual artist Chris Santa Maria is the subject of our latest installment of High Art – a series that profiles musicians, actors, sculptors, … Check on YouTube
Are you serious? Soil-less is just that. The roots are in a soil-less medium. Hydro means that the roots are in water and aeroponics means the roots are in air. If you get all of your info from HT then I am guessing you have not had to many successful grows.
Are you serious? Peat/coco/hydroton/perlite, all soiless, all hydro.
Theres no way YOU can tell if any nutrition has been added to the soiless mix before planting but I'd guess the cultivation editor of one of the biggest and longest lived cannabis based magazines in the world WHO'S STANDING IN THE FUCKNG ROOM might know.
It's like he has never grown, nor has he witnessed a friend, or even watched any videos. He just dug his hands in the sides of the pot, and ripped it up from the soil.
I know I can rest easy tonight knowing there's people out there who care this much about the quality of their product. Ease up U.S. gov't. Ease up naysayers who blindly prohibit a relatively harmless plant.
Looking good, nice room 👍
is this been run to 10-30% run off or is it not needed with the material pots?
7 lbs 4 lights wtf i was getting 7 1/2 with 6 lights 1000w ea
Where can I buy the Top Feed Hydro System? Or How do I build my own this kind of Hydro system?
just plugging a product…
seems more like self watering with some nutrients. I don't get how that is soil less?, looks like a standard soil mix
soilless mix! do ur research buddy!
Thats soil. Therefore not hydro. Just indoor gardening
yay for phish!
Hey guys love the work away to start a dwc grow any info much appreciated even a idea how too grow nice hydro cheers
Are you serious? Soil-less is just that. The roots are in a soil-less medium. Hydro means that the roots are in water and aeroponics means the roots are in air. If you get all of your info from HT then I am guessing you have not had to many successful grows.
soiless refers to the medium soiless mediums get fed hydroponically and you could run those emitters 24 7 with great results
easy black label commercial should be the name
It was allot less than decent and has no excuse for being in a how to grow like a pro DVD. I commented on it because someone else did.
Seems like decent enough attempt.. besides why comment it on this video.
One would think a global magazine like HT would have a better youtube channel. More videos more often.i'm thinking of unsubscribing.
Are you serious? Peat/coco/hydroton/perlite, all soiless, all hydro.
Theres no way YOU can tell if any nutrition has been added to the soiless mix before planting but I'd guess the cultivation editor of one of the biggest and longest lived cannabis based magazines in the world WHO'S STANDING IN THE FUCKNG ROOM might know.
epic yield!!! what?
It's like he has never grown, nor has he witnessed a friend, or even watched any videos. He just dug his hands in the sides of the pot, and ripped it up from the soil.
Search Nico Escondido's Grow like a pro in youtube and go to 16 minutes.
What plant??
Legal now!
True in theory but if there is enough aeration and the plant is drinking its fine. I grow the same way but only water every 3 days.
Flight420 brand
youtube: weedtees
mine r much bigger.
i see we have a phan working at high times 🙂
I know I can rest easy tonight knowing there's people out there who care this much about the quality of their product. Ease up U.S. gov't. Ease up naysayers who blindly prohibit a relatively harmless plant.
its an og pheno
HEY GUYS COME CHECK OUT MY SMOKING CHANNEL!! Its not as good as this but I try 🙂
nico were can i purchase a spinning light system?
i felt so bad for that plant
same ol' info, nothing new
I would work for free in HIGHTIMES for the exchange of the valuable knowledge .. are you recruiting ?
Please Don't Transplant Any More Cannabis Plants..Fewww
great tune choice