A quick » how to » video on how to clean your bong , dab rig, or pipe. Follow these 4 steps and watch your glass shine !!! Filmed by … Check on YouTube
when i empty my bong water even after one hit(mostly the ash catcher) the yellow water stains my sink and my sink stinks.. of course i clean it up with alcohol but its beginning to become to long of a process. also same thing tried putting the water down the toilet and on the sides is still res.
Saw this video on Worldstar and came here just to hopefully get a response. Lol. How do you get your bud out of the ash catcher though?!? At the end you show how much it caught, and those chunks in the perk itself there is the shit that gives me a fucking ulcer. It will NOT come out! Lol. Hoping you’ve got some clutch way of doing it. Happy smoking man.
bro does he know do si do ( cant spell when im high you know what I mean ) was a flavor of girl scout cookies in the real things you sold as a little girl so they would technically be related flavors so thats what your are smelling
PODCAST : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNFyewyKsV4&t=32s
when i empty my bong water even after one hit(mostly the ash catcher) the yellow water stains my sink and my sink stinks.. of course i clean it up with alcohol but its beginning to become to long of a process. also same thing tried putting the water down the toilet and on the sides is still res.
i just baught the recycler and i got the ash catcher seperate what is the attachment called and the size would i need this attachment ???/
Bro the intro made me say factsss out loud.
When is freeze pipe going to me a 45 degree ash catcher ughhhh
Saw this video on Worldstar and came here just to hopefully get a response. Lol. How do you get your bud out of the ash catcher though?!? At the end you show how much it caught, and those chunks in the perk itself there is the shit that gives me a fucking ulcer. It will NOT come out! Lol. Hoping you’ve got some clutch way of doing it. Happy smoking man.
use a rubber !
uses a freeze pipe and didn’t freeze lmao what’s the point then
watched this while sneaking out of my parents house smoking out of a can
Dirty bongs = dirty lungs! Keep it pristine and flavorful, fam.
I have a nice ash catcher set up by medicali but I do notice no matter what some of the brown tar seems to make it into the bong
Always fun.
Use a smoke screw in the Ash Catcher, it keeps the Ash Catcher clean.
I love ash catchers I have 3 used to have 4 one day will have more
7:26 You look like it was around 10 bowls 😅🌿✌️
I have to burp too on such a hit 😅
What I do is after every sesh I run hot water from my sink in my bong for like 30 min and you should be good
smokin out my bong rn🤣
Dude your channel should be on the food network, you're making me hungry! 😅🙏🤣😂👍
1.2 awesome
You should do a vid about the carbon filters
Even if your ash collected sucks do you still recommend one ?
We still out here smoking out of cans
Really felt that sneaking out and smoking outta cans and shit bruh my little brothers on that now
Dude thank you so much. This ash catcher is game changer I’m so glad you made this review
Whenever I see unsmoked weed crums in the bottom of my bong I shed a tear knowing I could have smoked it 🤣
When you get it so clean you always wanna take a one gram hit
whats that music when the montarge starts
I just got a recycler and I can’t wait for it to come in the mail, ash catcher and E rig next 👀
Really i hate cleaning bongs there so difficult makes a mess
i thought you said "ass catcher"
yesterday i got my first glass piece, 12 inch beaker with a water recycler
Yooo worldstar just put this video on their page yesterday…. Dope as Yola hit worldstar!!!
Literally sitting outside subway high rn waiting to get fucked up on some fire dabs
Bro your eyes at the end of the video I swear
bro does he know do si do ( cant spell when im high you know what I mean ) was a flavor of girl scout cookies in the real things you sold as a little girl so they would technically be related flavors so thats what your are smelling
"Alr guys idk how many bowls that was-" yeah bro I can see it in ur eyes.
You should totally include more bloopers at the end
Not sure if anyone felt the same way but the way I interpreted the title was little things to do after smoking to keep your stuff clean
Bro smoke some cbd after you're done so you're not too high to edit. Or smoke sativa. 😝
ik many people that need this video