Nopal, or Opuntia cacti, is a cactus eaten all throughout Mexico, known for its flavor and its nutritional value. But do we value its … Check on YouTube
What a fantastic video! You did a wonderful job and we just were gifted a raclette grill like this and now know what to do-just in time for holiday season! From an old Chicago boy now living in the Great Basin, thank you very much!
Honestly, the people complaining about melted cheese and how one should eat their food is amazing. You can eat what you want how you want, to each their own, as long as you enjoy it, there are no rules, it's NOT hurting anyone.
I want that grill he used, but im sensitive to strong smelling cheese so I want to make something else….maybe munster cheese with meat and veggies?… I know its an insult to the people of Switzerland but understand I would not be using this machine and calling my dish Raclette, i just want the grill.
Just bought a raclette grill and your cookbook….I'm ready.
Pov: you're here to make rosé a raclette
Best Raclette video I've seen on here. Good directions, humor and personality!
Best raclette video ever!!!! Made everything in the video and it was AMAZING. Thank you Paul!!!
Ok, I have everything for my family tomorrow, but need to know can marinade mushrooms over night?
What an amazing video!! Thanks for sharing 🍻
I just got my grill . This is exciting
What a fantastic video! You did a wonderful job and we just were gifted a raclette grill like this and now know what to do-just in time for holiday season! From an old Chicago boy now living in the Great Basin, thank you very much!
LOVE IT! and a "midwestern" guy…
"This isn't something you do alone" cuts to me doing it alone
I’ve never seen so many butt hurt people in a comment section. Apply some preparation-H and relax. 🤣🤣
Looks good, but as a Swiss this has little to do with raclette. The proper cheese and potatoes are the most important.
That's not the way to make raclette
Personal preference for me is to cut the meat in to its cooking size then marinate. Fantastic video none the less!
Looks great, but it’s not raclette
Slaughtered the pronunciation and pretty much the entire dish too
I need this in my life. That steak sounds incredible!
i want to know what to do with the excess oil where does it go, do you have to change your pan everytime? and how is the cleanup?
As a French i say ABSOLUTE HORROR, peppers and vegetables ??? No, never ! Potatoes – Cheese – Delicatessen (Swiss, French or Italian)
Honestly, the people complaining about melted cheese and how one should eat their food is amazing. You can eat what you want how you want, to each their own, as long as you enjoy it, there are no rules, it's NOT hurting anyone.
I want that grill he used, but im sensitive to strong smelling cheese so I want to make something else….maybe munster cheese with meat and veggies?… I know its an insult to the people of Switzerland but understand I would not be using this machine and calling my dish Raclette, i just want the grill.
No just kidding, but omg, dont even dare to eat a raclette in France X,D
buy a proper raclette grill with a stone
“This isn’t something you do alone”. Hahaha watch me do this for New Year’s Eve
I have been to Chamonix(France)5 or 6 times over the last 20 years and i have never seen a raclette done like this.
Im sure it tastes reasonable.
I'm not Swiss, I'm Dutch. But I even feel offended 🙄🤔😞
I love how he gives a recipe in the middle of a recipe.
why is that asian girl wearing a coat that looks like it was owned by bill murray
its not vice it there’s no magical black friend with the white people
Eat this if you want but know this is not raclette. This is the murdering of a tradition
So many butt hurt people in the comments hahaha. It look good and he never claimed it to be traditional. He literally said it was "his take" on it
Omg, I need this in my life!
It always baffles me how weirdly possessive people get about their cultural food
If it tastes good I’m all for bastardizing traditions
The recipe might be good but don’t call it a raclette. A raclette is raclette cheese melted on potatoes. That’s all.
that's not "raclette" just a dish covered with raclette cheese
The first thing you want to do is cut the cheese. Check.
I am offended now! No meat, bellpepers or redwine in raclette 😢
This guy is a low-key pisshead