Ice cream is only as delicious as its ingredients. Isaac meets the farmers, cows, and water buffalo that contribute to your favorite … Check on YouTube
I put half and half in raw cocoa powder in my blender then pour that into my Turkish coffee pot heat that up on the stove until Giant foaming chocolate mushroom comes off the top and pour that into my espresso and it has a good inch of foam head on the top
Something happened to the job of a server at a coffee shop or a person who made your drinks. Was the word barista in English even around before Starbucks and its clones?
I consider myself a foodie want to be (I would be a foodie, but I can't afford it) and I absolutely love watching Munchies. So I say this with complete admiration. Munchies has finally found the most pretentious son-of-abitch on earth in this barista.
I put half and half in raw cocoa powder in my blender then pour that into my Turkish coffee pot heat that up on the stove until Giant foaming chocolate mushroom comes off the top and pour that into my espresso and it has a good inch of foam head on the top
coffee shouldn't be that complicated
Who else high as fuck
this is a drinkable whopper.
overpriced mochaccino with excessive presentation
the only way to make burnt bean juice(coffee) taste good. Add tasty things.
People who actually can drink and enjoy black coffee with nothing added are just weird
Why does everybody hate this guy? I love this guy!
It's funny how today people make easy things and pretend it's complicated and hard to seem professional and serious.
He didn't seem very excited to teach us how to make this, but then again cool people don't smile I guess..
It's. A fuckn weeerd
Fucking hipster!
He looks like Ezio from Revelations LOL.
Something happened to the job of a server at a coffee shop or a person who made your drinks. Was the word barista in English even around before Starbucks and its clones?
seriously you're killing me. you have to stop this and fire whoever is backing this guy at vice.
Well, look's like it's time to bust out the 5,000 dollar espresso maker from the kitchen cabinets.
So he warmed the milk in the metal container, in the microwave? Lawdy,
Like all munchies videos…enjoy the video, dont look at the comments.
Did anyone NOT expect him to look like that?
I consider myself a foodie want to be (I would be a foodie, but I can't afford it) and I absolutely love watching Munchies. So I say this with complete admiration. Munchies has finally found the most pretentious son-of-abitch on earth in this barista.
a) this is an advertisement for some fake ass pocky brand
b) this was so gay, lol.
what accent is that? irish?
Has to be Irish with a name like that. Gwan lad, up in the big city.
microwaved milk!!! wow real barista
How is this considered a profession?
What a fucking hipster
Looks really delicious and easy 🙂
all he did was add that fuckin choco stick fckin hipster